In the name of Integrity, Charity and the Love of God

A friend of mine defined the definition of EGO. His definition was, “Edging God Out”. One has to understand that there was a lot of “bait and switch documents” at the Vatican II Council. (1) A lot of changes that were voted on and approved, were later changed in committee.  I witnessed this myself when a traveling priest told us from the pulpit, “that we were only going from the Latin to the English” with our new Missalettes. Later I realized that they were introducing the new English Bibles which makes Jesus just another Prophet so that we could now “get along with the other religions.” (666) really means without Jesus. It’s three sixes’ as in woe, woe, woe. (2)

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AntiChrists (many) (1) and his prophets will introduce ceremonies to imitate the Sacraments of the Church. Rev. S. Berry “The Apocalypse of St. John 1921   9-1-23   St. Giles

In fact, there will be a complete organization- a church of Satan set up in opposition to the Church of Christ. Satan will assume the part of God the Father, AntiChrist will be honored as Saviour, and his prophet will usurp the role of Pope. Their ceremonies will counterfeit the Sacraments and their works of Magic be heralded as miracles. A similar project was attempted in the fourth century by Julian the Apostate. (However, Julian was not a Pope but an Emperor).Father Herman B. Kramer’s Father H. B. Kramer in his “The Book of Destiny,” (Tan books reprint 1956) In interpreting the Apocalyptic prophecies concerning the status of the Church during the End Times we find him acknowledging what the Church has always alluded to the fact that during these End Times the faithful will be reduced to the Remnant Few. “When the Son of Man returns, think you that he will find faith upon the earth?” Luke 18:8. and in Matt. 24: 22 and unless those days had been shortened, no living creature would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.

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Bad Popes – Good Popes + Anti Popes – AntiChrists – July 2023 M/O the Precious Blood

The Traditional Catholic dilemma still exists now for 58 years after the close of the Vatican II Council. Only a blind man cannot see that this world is running out of time.

A house divided cannot stand and it’s a mortal sin to divide the faithful. I tell my friends that Traditional Catholics have Satan laughing at us all the way to the BANK. Religion is an emotional state of life. People are being killed, just about every day of the week, somewhere in the world over religion. We all know that the religious can’t exist without our donations and this is one of the reasons for the division among us and the main subject used for this division is the Papacy. The main division comes from the confused teaching of the sede vacante position.

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Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas Conciliar Church ‘no turn around’

Editor’s Letter

Dear Readers of The Reign of Mary, Praised be Jesus and Mary!

As the year 2006 comes to a close, it is customary to take a look back at the important events of the year and to examine their significance in our lives. For traditional Catholics, this year wil] be remembered for the number of traditional priests who have passed into eternity during this time. In the last issue of The Reign of Mary, we commended to your prayers the departed souls of Fr. Francis LeBlanc (September 28) and Fr. James Wathen (November 7). We now add to this list of departed priests Fr. Eugene Heidt (October 20) and Fr. Lawrence Brey (November 21). Those who have known eld­erly priests (who pre-date Vatican Council II) will agree that it is a wonderful experience to hear them speak of their early struggles after Vatican II to keep the true Faith and to preserve the Latin Mass and the traditional sacraments. How many of them faced tremendous pressure to either follow the modern­ist changes or find themselves “on the street” without any fi­nancial support!

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Fr. de Nantes march on Saint Peter’s Square, April 10, 1973, RIP

Saint Peter’s Square, April 10, 1973, at 10 o’clock. Fr. de Nantes and representatives of the League of the Catholic Counter-Reformation come up against a barrage of plain clothes police who prevent them from approaching the Vatican Bronze Door. Fr. de Nantes is holding two books which he wishes to present to Paul VI or one of the Pope’s representatives : the Liber accusations in Paulum sextum and the volume containing the list of 4,000 Catholics who support his canonical appeal and have enrolled in his ‘ Roman Legion ’.

“ We have come to lay at the feet of the Sovereign Pontiff our complaint against himself for heresy, schism and scandal, a complaint whose legality cannot be challenged for it envisages nothing less than a proper canonical process. It is now ten years since the seeds of the subversion began to take root in the Church, and over these past five years the destruction of Christ’s religion has been proceeding on a scale which rules out any compromise : Est, est ! Non, non ! There are two different religions warring against each other in the Church, and this is the Pope’s own doing. For within the Pope’s own soul there are two mutually incompatible visions of the world. One of them must chase the other out. ”

Sedevacantism By Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas,

Sedevacantism is the theological position of those traditional Catholics who most certainly believe in the papacy, papal infallibility and the primacy of the Roman Pontiff, and yet do not recognize “Pope” Francis [Edit. note: at the time this article was written, it was Benedict XVI] as a legitimate successor of Peter in the primacy. In other words, they do not recognize him as a true pope. The word sedevacantism is a compound of two Latin words which together mean “the Chair is vacant.” Despite the various arguments raised against this position — that it is based on a false expectation that the pope can do no wrong, or that it is an emotional reaction to the problems in the Church — the sedevacantist position is founded on the Catholic doctrines of the infallibility and the indefectibility of the Church and on the theological opinion of the great Doctor of the Church, St. Robert Bellarmine.

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Answering the Objections to the Sedevacantist Position Compiled by Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI

Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen

Objection I: Pope Pius XII lifted all ecclesiastical penalties during the conclave to elect the pope. So even if the Vatican II popes were heretics before their elections, they would still be validly elected.

Answer: Heretics and schismatics are barred by DIVINE LAW from the election to the Papal Office. Pope Pius XII lifted ecclesiastical penalties; he did not, would not, could not dispense from Divine Law. Proof: MORE

Pope Paul VI ~ Formal and Public Heretic

On November 19, 1969 The Owosso Argus-Press reported that Pope (Paul VI) defends new rites:

VATICAN CITY (AP) – Pope Paul VI defended controversial new rites for the Roman Catholic Mass today and said all Catholicsmust promptly adhere” to them. His words, at his regular general audience, met recent criticism by Antonio Cardinal Bacci and Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, two semiretired conservative members of the Roman Curia, who had suggested the new Mass was almost “heretical”

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Dear friends of the faith, in light of the publication of the motu proprio

This is not just about the MASS. It’s life or death for the Catholic Church. The New Bible’s make Jesus just another prophet. And the Council teaches # 9., one can be saved in ANY Religion. We need to join up together and preach the Coming of the Lord, and stop calling these AntiChrists popes. This is the “Great Apostasy” St. Paul talked about. Go to then to Books, why Sede Vacante & Apostasy and the Beast.
One would have to be a nitwit not to understand that we have very little time left in this world.
Grace be with you, in Christ, Joseph B.D. Saraceno

The Vatican restricts Traditional Latin Mass – Today on Our Lady of Mt. Carmel’s Feast Day

Slap the face of one of the two witnesses, the Prophet Elias –  Mt. Carmel was his dwelling-place. A Slap in the face for SSPX –  their negotiations are out the door. And most Catholics slap Traditionalists in the face, they’d rather turn Protestant instead of searching for the Truth. And who’ll consecrate Russia? What does that even mean any more? Those who are stuck in the Fatima crusade, I have news for you, Russia’s more religious then the U.S. and the WHOLE world! Pray for your own country’s conversion.

The Vatican’s Secretariat of State has issued an instruction regarding the celebration of Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, suppressing Masses said by a priest by himself, and restricting the celebration of the extraordinary form of Mass in the Latin rite to one altar in the crypt of the basilica. MORE


The Robber Council of 1962-1965 (better known to the world as the Second Vatican Council), produced sixteen heretical documents. Four of those documents were “promulgated” by Montini (“Pope” Paul VI) on December 7, 1965, the day before the Council ended. Altogether, Vatican II passed four Constitutions, nine Decrees, and three Declarations. Two of the four Constitutions were called “Dogmatic” (Dei Verbum [on Divine Revelation], and Lumen Gentium [on the Church]), and the last was labeled as “Pastoral,” Gaudium et Spes (On the Church in the Modern World). The Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium  [on the liturgy] does not specify itself with either appellation. Gaudium et Spes (translated as “Joy and Hope,” will hereinafter be referred to as “GS”), was one of those last four documents put out by the Council. It is most pernicious and often overlooked because of the more glaring heresies of the other Constitutions. MORE

Sixty Years of Sede Vacante by Mario Derksen. True Prophet or False prophet?

Dear friends of the Faith without exception, False Prophets always tell people what THEY want to hear. This article was printed in the “Reign of Mary.” A  CMRI Fall 2018 under the title of “As Sheep Not Having a Shepherd.” I got a hold of it about six months ago and just couldn’t respond until now. You will see that, in some cases he even contradicts the Bishop of CMRI. Because it’s about six pages long I have taken the liberty to high light those places that contain the most serious errors and explain each one here. 

In Christ, Joseph  8-7-20 St. Cajetan,C

The Great Apostasy, precedes the reign of Antichrist.

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“Why the V-2 Popes cannot be Popes.” Lecture by Rev. Fr. Noel Barbara

Explanation of Church Teaching on Papal Infallibility ~ by Rev. Fr. Noel Barbara  RIP

Hear, Father Noel Barbara’s dynamic lecture,  given originally in French by Fr. Barbara in the 1980’s. The author (who was probably the first European priest to come to the conclusion of the vacancy in the papal chair), after recalling the Catholic doctrine on the Church and its Magisterium, shows why the popes of Vatican II cannot be  popes.

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