Recommended devotions beside the Sacraments for 2019

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Recommended devotions beside the Sacraments for 2019,
in these Immoral and Apocalyptic Times.

I. Prayers daily. Rosary preferred.

2. Read the readings and Gospel in your Missal for each day of the week. If you don’t have a daily missal then read a passage or two in the New Testament. Go through the whole book, over and over again tell the end of the year.

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Catholic Tradition Newsletter 491: Confirmation, Sunday in Christmas Octave, Saint Sabinus

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Vol 11 Issue 52 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
December 29, 2018 ~ Saint Thomas Becket, opn!

1.      What is the Sacrament of Confirmation
2.      Sunday in Octave of Christmas
3.      Saint Sabinus and Companions
4.      Family and Marriage
5.      Articles and notices

Dear Reader:

As another year comes to a close, it only seems closer to seeing that clear divisions exist between those trying to live a Catholic life and those who call themselves Catholic but do not live a Catholic life.

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