Why Pope Pius XII picked May 1 for St. Joseph the Workman

What Catholics seem to forget is Italy became the biggest Communist country outside of the Iron curtain. Most of the labor unions where vastly becoming controlled by the communists. Since May 1st was the adopted celebrated day for the communists, Pope Pius XII turned to St. Joseph (The workman) to help stop the takeover of Italy by these communists. At the time these labor union thugs were shooting top executives in the knee who wouldn’t cooperate with their agenda.

St. Joseph the Workman

1. On May 1, 1955, Pope Pius XII delivered a significant address before an assembly of representatives of the Catholic Association of Italian Workers. Continue reading

Insight into the Catholic Faith presents the ~ Catholic Tradition Newsletter

All the world’s a stage, Shakespeare

Vol 10 Issue 17 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
April 29, 2017 ~ Saint Peter of Verona

1. Is the Chair of Peter Vacant? An Argument for Sedevacantism
2. Good Shepherd Sunday
3. Saint Catherine of Siena
4. Family and Marriage
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader:
Shakespeare wrote the play, As You Like It (1600) in which he has one of the characters stating: All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. Continue reading

AntiChrist Will Be a Jew, Why Some Traditionalists Believe

In cleaning out some of my forty year old files, I came across a back issue of (The Roman Catholic) October 1986 issue, the managing editor was Father Clarence Kelly (Bp. Kelly now). I remember his article on the (AntiChrist), because I also found my rebuttal enclosed that I had sent him on this thesis that the AntiChrist would have to be a Jew, in which HE added, “from the Tribe of Dan.”

In my rebuttal I tried to explain that ‘Jew’ was a slang word for Judeans and that the Dan Tribe were not of Judea, but one of the Israelite Tribes. However, now in re-reading both his and my thesis, I saw how much we both left out of this complicated subject and so I decided to give a much more credible account to a confusing issue. Continue reading

Insight into the Catholic Faith presents the ~ Catholic Tradition Newsletter

Vol 10 Issue 16 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
April 22, 2017 ~ Easter Saturday

1. Is the Chair of Peter Vacant? An Argument for Sedevacantism
2. Quasimodo Sunday
3. Saint Adalbert
4. Family and Marriage
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader:One might remember Quasimodi simply as the main character in Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but it points specifically to the name given to the Mass on the first Sunday after the Resurrection: Quasi modo geniti infants (as newborn infants). Continue reading

500 ineligible voters cast ballots in North Carolina

North Carolina elections officials found that about 500 ineligible voters cast ballots in the 2016 general election — but not enough to change the outcome of any race, according to an audit released Friday.

The State Board of Elections report said the 508 cases — the vast majority active felons — represented a small fraction of the 4.8 million ballots cast. The report didn’t include any evidence of coordinated fraud, and many of the voters claimed to be confused about their eligibility. MORE

SSPX uses Apostate catholic church for Funeral

This is without a doubt a Sacrilege. They preach for us to stay away from the N/O Mass and they turn around and use their Churches. “They worship me with their lips but their heart is far from me.” Jesus Christ.   Joseph

SSPX uses Apostate catholic church for Funeral.
John Vennari Laid to Rest in New York April 12, 2017
District of the USA  Fr. Adam Purdy, SSPX, presides over the Funeral of Mr. Vennari
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POWER OF THE GOSPEL. For 50 days, Pentecost

Protestants are campaigning for a Pentecost 50 day revival across the country. This is something Catholics should be doing since we are the originators of the faith. Understandably most Catholics pray the Rosary every day but let’s add the prayer to the Holy Ghost this season.

Prayer to the Holy Ghost

Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.

reviveTX :: Dallas-Fort Worth is a movement to unite the many congregations of DFW for the sake of seeing our community revived by the POWER OF THE GOSPEL. For 50 days, in 10 colorful regions across the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, believers are coming together to leave familiar church walls and hit the streets to share the Gospel and make disciples.

50 Days :: Easter to Pentecost :: April 16 – June 4, 2017

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” – Romans 1:16

“All the Men Behind the Opus Dei Curtain”

The truth is that every one of the main characters in Jones’ book – Voris, Father Paul Nicholson, Marc Brammer, and the author himself – is tied to Opus Dei in a concrete way and that the Jones’ tale is really a story of an Opus Dei media venture gone wrong…

Two of the questions which have been repeatedly asked by readers of The Man Behind the Curtain are, first, why did Jones write his book on Voris and secondly, what was the exact nature of Jones’ relationship with the key players in the affair, specifically with Marc Brammer and Father Paul Nicholson, Voris’ “tell-all” spiritual director…

There are still many other unanswered questions about the men behind the Opus Dei curtain including a very basic question – Did E. Michael Jones really write The Man Behind the Curtain? I think the question list is endless…MORE

Young woman not rushing to get married and have a family.

The milestones of adulthood for today’s millennials: economic security and finishing school — not rushing to get married and have a family.

And once they are married, young women in America are less likely to see homemaking as a career.

The share of young women 25 to 34 who opted to forgo outside employment in favor of managing a household plunged from 43 percent in 1975 to just 14 percent last year, according to the Census Bureau. Census demographers believe that number could be among the lowest on record. MORE

Trump team exploring possible Pope Francis meeting

The White House said Tuesday it is reaching out to the Vatican to set up a possible meeting President Trump and Pope Francis, little more than a year after they clashed over Trump’s proposed anti-immigration wall between the United States and Mexico.

“We will be reaching out to the Vatican to see if an audience with the pope can be accommodated,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer said. “We would be honored to have an audience with his holiness.” MORE

Five Misleading teachings taught by many of the Fathers & Doctors of the Church


1. There would never be another physical State of Israel.

They began to apply Israel (God’s People) to the Church in meaning in new biblical translations because after the final destruction of Judea the Jews were dispersed through out the world and the Roman Emperors issued an edict that Jews were forbidden to return there. Even after Constantine freed the religions he and others never thought of lifting the edict. In 600 the area was mostly controlled by Arabs and they were the ones who opened the door for the Jews to return.
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Easter, Opening of Heaven on Ascension Thursday, Pentecost and Parousia

Ascension-Piotr-BasinA Blessed Easter Season 2017
Christ’s death and Resurrection begins the work of Our Redemption, but Christ’s work is incomplete, 1 (666) as Heaven needs to be opened and the Birth of the Church needs to be propagated.

Heaven having been closed now for about 4000 years is once again opened on  Ascension Thursday. “He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God , the Father Almighty; FROM THENCE He shall come to judge the living and the dead.”  2
The Limbo of the Fathers also called Paradise and the Opening of Heaven a place and state of rest wherein the souls of the just who died before CHRIST’S ASCENSION were detained until he opened HEAVEN to them; also referred to as “Abraham’s bosom. Continue reading

Insight into the Catholic Faith presents the ~ Catholic Tradition Newsletter

Vol 10 Issue 15 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
April 15, 2017 ~ Holy Saturday

1. Is the Chair of Peter Vacant? An Argument for Sedevacantism
2. Easter Sunday
3. Saint Benedict Joseph Labre
4. Family and Marriage
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader:
I want to wish everyone a most blessed feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As Catholics throughout the world celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ it reminds them of the reason of their faith: God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. (John 3:16) Continue reading