Dear friends of the faith, ask yourself which Flag you want to be under. You really have no choice. My symbol represents the church in the wilderness, theirs represents the one world secular democracy of AntiChrist, along with the religious liberty of the Vatican II Church, again, backed by one of the most powerful countries in the world, the United States of America.
Category Archives: Joseph’s Religious Writings
Why God had to become a Human Being
Many of you may have read this article before. The reason I’m sending it out again is to show and explain to people of other religions that if their God does not become a human being then, “As I explain in this article,” he cannot justify judging mankind, I feel this to be a logical explanation to those of other religions why GOD became a human being in Jesus Christ.
We know God created us. The Church tells us that He wants us to know Him to love Him and to serve Him in this world and in the next. Could it also have been that without a creation, there would be no one to know of the existence of God? Not that God needs to have anyone to know He exists, but that we creatures might be able to share His love and goodness. This could give a probable cause for creation. We know that God began by creating the angels. Angels as we know are pure spirits with intellect, power, and free will. We also know that there are nine different degrees of angels.[1] The reason God gave the angels free will is that like man He wanted them to be like Himself (insofar as they have free will and an intellect). Therefore, the angels are like God as is man. It is through this gift of free will that the stage is set for God‘s plan of fostering our free will. This is done so we may obtain our goals with a sense of appreciation and understanding that good and evil become a part of our free will. As we know from Church teachings [2], God tested the angels. It has never been exactly clear what the test was. It is my opinion that their test had to do with the exposure of His next greatest creation; that, of course, was the creation of man. It would seem to me that this is what caused the apprehension amongst some of the angels: that man would have free will and that he would be able to find favor with God on the same levels as themselves. This in turn, I feel, led to the first capital sin that of self-pride, which led to jealousy, and later disobedience. These actions now were the beginning of our destiny, and a clear separation of good from evil. Therefore, we could have a place for good with God (heaven), or a place for evil, away from Him (hell). God knew that this same fate would befall man, and so He set next stage for man’s redemption. In the thirtieth chapter of the book of Proverbs, we read in reference to God, “What is His name? What is His Son’s name? If you know it?” Could the Father want us to know Him as “I am Who am” [3] so that we shall later meet him as Jesus Christ, the Man-God? But why did God have to become man in the first place? We know one main reason, of course, was set the example of how to live as God’s people. But equally as important is that in order to have justice the law had to be made complete by Jesus, so that He could pass judgment upon us all. This would have been a problem if He had not become a human being, the motivating force now for our justification, sanctification and glorification. What must we do now to justify God’s love for us? Even if one gives up their life, they give nothing to God, that He did not first bestow upon the individual. What then is God’s will? God’s will and desire is simply to dwell among His creatures. This tells us that the only meaningful act that we could do for the love of Our Lord, is to reflect His love to others and help bring people into the faith. How is this done? First, by our actions. We must, in our actions, reflect our faith by simply doing good. For by doing good, we undertake a powerful instrument in combating evil. This action, in turn, leads to virtue, followed by honesty and integrity. From this the light of Christ will shine through us and will reflect into the hearts of all the unbelievers and the believers who have gone astray. And from this comes conversion. Let us then put on the believer’s armor, the helmet of honesty and the shield of virtue. With this armor and the two-edged sword of God’s word (the pure spiritual doctrines of faith), we direct the hearts of the unbelievers and participate in the Lord’s desire of dwelling among men [4]. From this we give testimony that we are really the Children of God.
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen
The Testimonial General Judgment & Pentecost Sunday ~ Red & White
The last day of Easter, in the United States falls on the eve of Trinity Sunday. This is also the last day of the Testimonial General Judgment, starting on Pentecost Sunday Middle East Time, this means, for us in the west, Saturday evening. (1)
Continue readingSt. Peter put his life on the line, when he struck the High Priest’s servant, with his Sword
For all of us who remember that all the Apostles ran away after Jesus stopped St. Peter from causing any more violence with his sword. Most don’t understand that by our Lord stopping St. Peter from continuing the resistance that his actions caused a temporary shock, and confusion among Peter and the Apostles. As a result, what else could they do but run away. So, it’s not so surprising that St. Peter later denied he knew the Lord because of the mental state of confusion and rejection that his state of mine was in.
Continue readingThe first day of the Creation, starts on every Palm Sunday. This year it’s April 10th
The week of the creation goes by the Easter (Passover) Full Moon, (Psl: 88:38) which would be the first Full Moon after March 21. So, while the Jews were Glorifying Jesus as King and hero, little did they know that this was the first day of the Creation. Then you have Adam’s birth or creation day falling on Good Friday April 15 this year. Ex: 12. The reading on Good Friday, and Holy Saturday Gen: 1. coincidently, we have a full moon during the end of the world week as well, at the close of Pentecost.
One of Joseph’s best Friends Michael P. Jungers ~ R I P
Michael P. Jungers R I P 8-3-1932 – 8-24-2021
Michael passed away short of his 89th birthday. He was a member and usher at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. I helped in establishing this Church and would visit about 3 or 4 times a year. This is how I met Michael and his brother David who also attended the Church and lived with Michael. Michael in turn invited me to stay at his place when in town, since he had an extra bedroom and I accepted. I became like a member of the family for the last 15 years or so.
A True Story that goes with this “Our Lady’s Altar,” at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Las Vegas
When my Mom died in 2004 at 98, inside her bedroom, on the ‘Our Lady of Lourdes’ statue, was a rosary hanging. Thinking it was our mother’s rosary, my sister wrapped it around her hand at the Mortuary. I thought it was strange that Mom would have a brown beaded Rosary, regardless, it was too late anyway as the funeral was underway.
With Mom gone now, it was time to sell the house so I started with her bedroom and her personal belongings. Much to my surprise, I found in her dresser another rosary only this one had crystal type beads. Realizing that the rosary that was placed on her hand was just an ornament one that went with the statue and this one was the one that Mom used. So what do I do with the Mom’s Rosary? My sister, daughter and granddaughter are not active Catholics, and I’m not going to throw it away.
Queen of Angels Catholic Church CMRI
In Santa Clarita, (Newhall) California, because of the virus and overcrowding, in the adjoining parking lot, Pastor Father Radecki must resort to putting up tent’s for his people which need to be taken down after his second Mass. Although the current owner has allowed us to use this vacant land, sadly, the property is in escrow. I believe Father offered a bid for the property lower then it’s current sale price and all are hoping this current bid falls through. Father could lose the parking lot if the sale goes through and may have to add another Mass. Prayers are needed for this current crises.
God bless, in Christ, Joseph Saraceno
Heaven is Finally Opened today on Josephs Birthday ~ May 13
Thanks to the Easter Full Moon Ascension Thursday falls on my birthday this year. Heaven having been closed now for about 4000 years is once again opened on Ascension Thursday. “He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; FROM THENCE He shall come to judge the living and the dead.” Apostles Creed and Council of Trent Catechism. Page 73 Ephesian 4:8.
Ascension Thursday is one of those Catholic Holy Days which has lost it’s importance in recent years. Heaven being opened at this time was never really emphasized by the Church over the years and no wonder it got moved to Sunday. There is an old saying, “If you don’t preach it you lose it.”
I’m a blessed 85 today and because of the Lord’s return, none of us have that many birthday’s left.
Grace be with you all, in Christ, Joseph
The problem with the new Bible Version
“that I must be in my Father’s house.”
It’s supposed to say about my Father’s business. Otherwise, the Temple is everyone’s house. It was the Passover. No prophecy with the new version.
In Christ, Joseph
This Palm Sunday, March 28th, starts the week of the creation of our World
Around 25 years ago I was using the 1st day of Spring as the first day of the creation, not realizing I needed the Passover Spring FULL MOON. (I included this with my 22 now 23 mysteries of the faith that I give to the Catholic world). Adam was created on Good Friday. I guess you could add this to another reason we call it GOOD FRIDAY. So here you have the people of Jerusalem cheering and glorifying the Lord as he rides into town and little did they know it was the week in which they began their existence. Ex: 12. The reading on Good Friday, and Holy Saturday Gen: 1, is the Scriptural source with the Passover tradition.
There isn’t anything in the scriptures that can tell us when God made Eve, or how long they lived in the garden of paradise before they were expelled.
Of the book of the Apocalypse, every living person alive right now is an American
Posted today on my web site where I said I would explain later that all the living persons and some other revelations in the book of the Apocalypse have to do with America. First you have to understand that all these Vatican II popes are all AntiChrists as I explain in my 22 Mysteries of the Faith article and elsewhere.
In reading an article in the RNS one of the writers stated that we have our first American pope. So I thought to myself, hey, that would also make him the first American “AntiChrist.” Remember I had the first and Main False prophet in the Apocalypse as the Rev Billy Graham, who was succeeded by President Trump and now, (St) Joseph Biden. Remember every coin has two sides but still the same coin. ALL American. The Church takes refuge in the United States Apoc. 12:14. The Eagle is the symbol of the U.S. here.
Continue readingTwenty Two Mysteries of Faith given to Catholics from 1973 to 2021 Publicly
1. Christ will come back on SUNDAY (Middle East Time) Apoc.1:10 & Tradition
2. On that last Pentecost Sunday. Apoc. 14:14. & Tradition.
Continue readingNew Year’s Resolutions + Christ’s Return
It’s always prudent to examine our past as we start off the New Year.
Were we judgmental before knowing all of the facts?
Were you aware that foolishness is sinful?
How much gossip were we involved in?
Were we honest with ourselves in 2020?
How much charity did we express among the Brethren.
Did we show our love for the truth and the facts?
Are we putting private revelations above the deposit of Faith?
What did we do to help the Faithful foster Unity last year?
Did we check the reliability of a story before forwarding it to others?
Statements from JP and answers from JS (Joseph Saraceno)
Dear Sir: In response to your letter.
JP: I cannot understand why the Bible belt holds such a scoundrel as an ideal Christian. (President Trump)
JS: Because they believe in repentance and put their faith in someone who was never a Politian like Hilary Clinton.
JP: I hope the fellow will be punished for tax default, cheating the students of his Trump school etc. I hope and wish that his supporters will raise the money to keep him out of jail.
JS: So, so I guess you support the Black Lives Matter movement who looted and burned down businesses, killed people in the name of justice.
JP: As for Christianity, try to follow the clear teachings of Jesus espoused in the 4 Gospels instead of hanging on Johns dreams, which can be interpreted in a thousand ways.