California Paroles Kidnapper Who Buried Alive 26 School Children

CHILDA convicted kidnapper who kept 26 children and a school bus driver in a buried trailer has been granted his freedom – after the governor of California didn’t object to parole.

James Schoenfeld, 63, kidnapped the bus carrying the group then buried them alive in a chilling heist inspired by the film Dirty Harry.

Schoenfeld confessed to carrying out the 1976 crime with his brother Richard and his friend Fred Woods. MORE

Mormons considering alternative international scouting organization for boys

Members of the Boy Scouts wait to march in the Veterans Day parade on 5th Avenue in New YorkSALT LAKE CITY – For many years, the LDS Church has discussed breaking away from the Boy Scouts of America, but the group’s decision this week to admit “openly gay leaders” into its ranks may finally push the Utah-based faith to bolt.

LDS Church spokesman Eric Hawkins confirmed Tuesday that the 15 million-member Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is “considering creating its own international program for boys, separate from the Boy Scouts of America.”  MORE

Boeing and Delta Spend Millions in Fight Over Export-Import Bank’s Existence

07export-web1-master675Last week, with little notice, a federal judge here tossed out Delta Air Lines’ longstanding claim that the government’s export credit agency — which, among other things, provides loan guarantees to overseas airlines for the purchase of Boeing jets — was helping international competitors at the airline’s expense.

Delta offered only a shrug. Judicial opinions aside, the continued existence of the Export-Import Bank turns more on bare-knuckle politics than on legal niceties. MORE

Obama Scolds Iron-Willed African Leaders During Speech At African Unioun #ObamaInEthiopia

SCOLDPresident Barack Obama during his speech at the African Union Headquarters today took his time to scold African leaders who refuse to give up power.

The scolding came in the course of his address on Tuesday in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, to the 54-member continental bloc.

“Africa’s democratic progress is also at risk when leaders refuse to step aside when their terms end,” Obama said. “No one should be president for life.”

Obama said he himself was looking forward to handing over to his successor.

The US President said, “I have to be honest with you: I just don’t understand this. MORE

VIDEO: 4th Video Catches Planned Parenthood VP Discussing How to Break the Law to Sell Aborted Babies – SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

After three shocking videos caught Planned Parenthood doctors discussing and arranging the sale of body parts of aborted babies, a fourth video has been released today catching a Planned Parenthood vice president discussing how to break or get around the law to sell aborted babies. MORE

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

Half of Columbia River sockeye salmon dying due to hot water

SALMIt still boggles my mind that people don’t realize that the animal die offs are from the radiation from Fuk and the methane release because the earth is being destabilized, Seal Man 

More than a quarter million sockeye salmon returning from the ocean to spawn are either dead or dying in the Columbia River and its tributaries due to warming water temperatures.

Federal and state fisheries biologists say the warm water is lethal for the cold-water species and is wiping out at least half of this year’s return of 500,000 fish. MORE

The consequences of a rejected Iranian peace plan

IRISFirst, what about the other five nations? Do we go back to the heavy sanctions. If so Iran will only increase it’s guerrilla warfare. This could threaten the worlds oil supply and cause us to take in more refuges. Or we could wind up in an all out war bringing Russia into it against us?
Israel is the third or fourth biggest military nation in the world. It has at least 200 Atomic bombs to Iran’s zero to date and still has us as their allies.
A peace plan would demoralize the terrorists and help bring peace and prosperity to the area, not to mention possible lower oil prices.
Let’s not let the politicians kill the peace plan. They have done enough damage to us as it is.

U.S. approves possible sale of $5.4 billion in missiles to Saudi Arabia

MIIRPeace at any price?

The U.S. State Department has approved the possible sale to Saudi Arabia of $5.4 billion in additional PAC-3 missiles built by Lockheed Martin Corp, the Pentagon said on Wednesday.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency said the sale would benefit a key U.S. partner in the Middle East. Notification to Congress was sent on Tuesday and follows a major nuclear deal with Iran. The missile sale approval could help reassure Saudi Arabia about the U.S. commitment to its security. MORE