The Council had been over for less than a year. Catholics were excited and confused. Different moves towards implementation, sometimes contradictory, were rumored. Already Catholic liberals were hard at work to lead the Church in their direction. What was Rome to do? After fifty-five years, we know what Cardinal Ottaviani, one of Cardinal Ratzinger’s predecessors as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, decided to do: on July 24, 1966, he wrote to the Ordinaries of the world to sound the alarm. He had been receiving daily indications of a revolt against sound doctrine; some were already falsely appealing to the Council to spread their errors. These errors had to be dealt with.
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The Vatican restricts Traditional Latin Mass – Today on Our Lady of Mt. Carmel’s Feast Day
Slap the face of one of the two witnesses, the Prophet Elias – Mt. Carmel was his dwelling-place. A Slap in the face for SSPX – their negotiations are out the door. And most Catholics slap Traditionalists in the face, they’d rather turn Protestant instead of searching for the Truth. And who’ll consecrate Russia? What does that even mean any more? Those who are stuck in the Fatima crusade, I have news for you, Russia’s more religious then the U.S. and the WHOLE world! Pray for your own country’s conversion.
The Vatican’s Secretariat of State has issued an instruction regarding the celebration of Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, suppressing Masses said by a priest by himself, and restricting the celebration of the extraordinary form of Mass in the Latin rite to one altar in the crypt of the basilica. MORE
Francis plans to abolish the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum
How would this effect SSPX ?
From what is known, it would be a return to the indult — with a prior authorization of the bishop [as under the motu proprio Ecclesia Dei], or of the Vatican — with all that it entails, that is, a reintroduction of the prohibition of the celebration according to the Missal of St John XXIII, so many denials of authorizations, and the ghettoization, in practice, of the priests and faithful attached to the old rite. After Moses, the Liberator, Pharaoh returns. [Source]
AntiChrist Francis gets tough with SSPX
February 11, 2021 – Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes Double Major Feast Francis-Bergoglio Issues Implicit Threat to Neo-SSPX Accept the (Heretic) Vatican II Anti-council or Get out of Newchurch
From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio Lays Down the Gauntlet To the Fellay-Pagliarani Neo-SSPX And even to His Own “Indult” Groups Like the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP): Get Behind the (Heretical) Vatican II Anti-council Or Get Out of My Newchurch There Will Be No Negotiation Compromise, or Dialogue with You Fellay and Pagliarani Who Have Been Trying to Sell out to Newchurch Will Now Have to Fish or Cut Bait There Is Now No Middle Ground Left for Them
“To hell with Vatican II”
“Carthago delenda est! (So, what about Vatican II?)
Written by By Father Michael Johnson, FSSPX
“To paraphrase Cato the Elder, we may – nay, we must insist, Concilium Vaticanum Secundum delendum est – The Second Vatican Council mustbedestroyed! Amen.”
Pope John XXIII leads the opening Mass of the Second Vatican Council in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Oct. 11, 1962. A total of 2,540 cardinals, patriarchs, archbishops and bishops from around the world attended the opening session (CNS Photo)
Continue reading1976 meeting between Pope Paul VI & Archbishop Lefebvre
The following is a never before released transcript of the conversation between Archbishop Lefebvre & Pope Paul VI on September 11, 1976, when the Archbishop boldly defended his stance, despite the strawmen & falsehood set up by the Pope. A highly recommended read. MORE
SSPX and the Sainthood of Paul VI
In SSPX latest newsletter, SSPX 10-13-18, in complaining over the Sainthood of Paul VI they claim that Paul VI acknowledge the problem with the changes of Vatican II when he stated, “The Smoke of Satan has entered the Church.” But if you look at the date when Paul VI said this, it was 7-29-1972. You can see he’s really addressing the Traditionalists who were rebelling against the changes of the Vatican II Council as with the March on Rome in 1971. This is over a year from the March. Hello.
May 31, 1971 – A version of this archives appears in print on May 31, 1971, on Page 34 of the New York edition with the headline: CatholicTraditionalists … Catholic Traditionalists March Across Rome MORE
A Novelty in the SSPX Structure: The General Councillors
A Novelty in the SSPX Structure: General Counselors by Fr. Patrick Girouard
by Fr. Patrick Girouard | Jul 20, 2018 resistance-news/fr-girouard’s- analysis-of-new-office-of- general-councillor-in-sspx/
Dear faithful,
I have learned on Cathinfo, (and checked on DICI and it is confirmed by them today), that the General Chapter of the SSPX has created two new high-echelon administrative posts to its managerial structure. Indeed, the Chapter has instituted the function of “General Councillor”, to be exercised by two SSPX members elected by the Chapter. Their official duty is to assist the General Superior (and his two Assistants) in the daily administration of the Society. They will be part of the General Council. Continue reading
Answers Given by Fr. Carl Pulvermacher
What will the new SSPX Superior General mean to Traditionalists ~ Month of the Precious Blood
Communiqué of the General House of the Society of Saint Pius X
Hopefully this is a victory against AntiChrist Rome.
On July 11, 2018, Father Davide Pagliarani was elected Superior General, for a mandate of 12 years, by the 4th General Chapter of the Society of Saint Pius X.
The new Superior General is 47 years old and is of Italian nationality. He received the sacrament of Holy Orders from the hands of Bishop Bernard Fellay in 1996. He exercised his apostolate in Rimini (Italy), then in Singapore, before being appointed Superior of the District of Italy. Since 2012, he was Rector of Our Lady Co-Redemptrix Seminary of La Reja (Argentina). MORE
Msgr Lefebvre and the Society of Saint Pius X
The following short article appeared in the January 1987 issue of Catholic. It sets out clearly the position of Msgr Lefebvre and the Society of Saint Pius X as it was only four years after the SSPX was founded. In 1976 Msgr Lefebvre was suspended ‘a divinis’ because he ordained more priests. His comment then was “Suspended from what, and by whom?” Continue reading
SSPX Chapel school congregation with loss of life hit hard by Harvey.
UPDATE Monday 9/4, 2:32pm CT:
Volunteers are clearing out the school, offices, and bookstore in preparation for deep cleaning on Tuesday. All this as the relief center at Queen of Angels remains open for faithful and the broader community. The financial toll is still unknown and is likely to rise. Your support is still vital. God Bless you!
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