Dear Friends of the faith.
First, I want to thank everyone for helping the Catholic Church survive in these END times.
For years it was assumed that the two witnesses of the book of the Apocalypse Enock & Elias would be coming back to preach before the second coming of Christ. One reason given is because they did not die. However, if this is true, then our Lady would have to come back to die as well because she went to heaven without dying. On the other hand, those who believe Enock, and Elias will come back are imitating the Jews who thought Elias would come back and he never did for them. Another problem with this theory is that all the Old Testament faithful went to Paradise until our Lord opened up heaven, once he opened up heaven, paradise was eliminated, and I doubt God made a special place for those two. I heard this theory St. Jerome put in the Breviary, and everyone just went along with it. I wasn’t aware St. Thomas Aquinas taught it as well.
Matthew 17:10-13 makes it very clear that our Lord states here that John the Baptist represented Elias at the time. “Then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them of John the Baptist.” Which some were not aware of this gospel teaching. Below which says.Then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them of John the Baptist.
Monthly Archives: February 2023
Francis-Bergoglio to Suppress the New Latin Mess of 1962, Effective April 3, 2023
February 9, 2023 – St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast
Francis-Bergoglio to Suppress the New Latin Mess of 1962, Effective April 3, 2023
All Traditional Sacraments, including Holy Orders Are to Be Suppressed, and the FSSP Drastically Curtailed
From: The TRADITIO Fathers
The Demise of the Christian Marriage
The Demise of the Christian Marriage
Of Late some of the Fathers have given sermons of the importance of “Catholic’s Marrying Catholics” and “The Meaning of Marriage” All well and good but what’s lacking is understanding the world we live in.
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