In 1533, hundreds of dragons were reported to darken the skies over Bohemia, following a 1506 sighting of a blinding bright comet slicing over the sky. LINK
Monthly Archives: January 2014
NSA Program For Children Makes Spying on Americans Fun
“We hate to bug you, but… we at the NSA are thrilled about all the attention we’ve been receiving lately for our PRISM program.” It’s comforting to know that the US federal government has extra money available to groom children to top-up the ranks for the next generation of domestic snoops. LINK
VIDEO: Want to become a CYBORG? The technologies that could give you super vision, let you pick up a car and even plug yourself into your computer
A new remake of the movie RoboCop (out February 12) shows us a future where technology and humans become one – but experts say the age of the cyborg is already upon us. With everything from smart contact lenses that could improve our vision to exoskeletons that give us superhuman strength, cyborgs are set to become a big part of our future. LINK
‘APOCALYPTIC’: Storm Brigid rages towards UK bringing 150MPH KILLER winds, rain and SNOW
A VIOLENT and destructive storm is hurtling across the Atlantic and will smash into Britain TONIGHT. LINK
(AUDIO) Nuclear Engineer: Even worse news at Fukushima plant -At 36:30 in- Radioactive water has formed pathway and is flowing straight into Pacific Ocean
The Google Apocalypse, Fall In Love With Technology Only To Have It Turn On You
A decade ago, we used to hear a lot more about Google’s informal motto: “Don’t be evil.” It doesn’t come up as much anymore, but those three words still lead off Google’s corporate code of conduct. And given some of the company’s recent acquisitions that are heavy on robotics and artificial intelligence companies, that’s probably a good thing. LINK
VIDEO:The Many Spells of the Grammys 2014
The wicked have more to fear than the Believers in the Most High. Anybody who is deemed wicked on the “Day of the Lord” has no future! We should acknowledge what we are seeing but should not empower ourselves with the state of fear. This is the energy state Satan prefers even of his/her own followers! LINK
VIDEO: Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business
Putin Slams ‘Morally Bankrupt America:’ Who’s ‘Godless’ Now?
At the height of the Cold War, it was common for American conservatives to label the officially atheist Soviet Union a “godless nation.”More than two decades on, history has come full circle, as the Kremlin and its allies in the Russian Orthodox Church hurl the same allegation at the West. LINK
VIDEO: Obama Tells Senior UN Official “The United States Will be a Muslim Country by 2016″
At a meeting of the David Allen Lewis “Eschatology Club” a year ago in Springfield, Missouri, where I was the featured speaker, I was told by the organizers that in the previous monthly meeting, Pastor Don Jones made a disturbing statement about President Barack Obama’s plan to Islamicize America. LINK
13 Examples Of People Being Awesome In The Middle Of The Atlanta Traffic Jam
Debbie Wilson Pusterino: “Just left some supplies on the median on 285 East near exit 29.” LINK
VIDEO: Geo-engineered Snow – Proof! Snow That Doesn’t Melt
After seeing a video of snow turning black, the person shown in the video below decided to try the same thing, brought a significant amount inside, spooned a chunk onto a red piece of paper, put a lighter to it, nothing happened, grabbed a torch and then something happened but not what anyone would expect, the “melting” process left no water, no puddle… nothing. LINK
VIDEO: Noah Official Trailer #1
Pope Francis makes cover of Rolling Stone
Francis could become the man of the 21 century. What’s left of it, ha. LINK