Islamic State claims downing in Sinai of Russian plane carrying 224

Part-NIC-Nic6504090-1-1-0It was one of the deadliest incidents involving Airbus aircraft over the past decade.

The Islamic State (IS) group affiliate in Egypt claimed it downed the plane, without saying how.

Egyptian Prime Minister Sharif Ismail expressed doubt about the claim, saying experts confirmed that a plane cannot be downed at such an altitude, and Russian Transport Minister Maksim Sokolov said the claim “cannot be considered accurate”. MORE

VIDEO: Have You Noticed People Around You Are Changing? There Is A Reason…..

Keen-eyed ANP readers have noticed what many others are noticing across the country…. people are changing, becoming more violent, angered at the smallest things and acting in a manner that is not consistent with their normal personalities…

DRUGS – Carefully note where it states “Changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping CHANTIX. They go on to state “hostility, depression or changes in behavior, thinking or mood that are not typical for you.MORE

Scientists mystified by ever-rising San Francisco Bay area seismic swarm – 450 quakes in two weeks

sf-quake-swarmOctober 2015SAN FRANCISCO – The earthquake swarms in one San Francisco Bay Area city keeps rising, and according to the US Geological Center’s past historical data, has shattered all previous old records. As of Wednesday, the USGS noted that San Ramon, about 45 miles from San Francisco had experienced 446 quakes, including 86 quakes that were a magnitude of 2.0 or higher, since Oct. 13. A total of 28 earthquakes have been documented alone since Tuesday. San Ramon had previously set a record in 2003 when a swarm of 120 earthquakes struck there over 31 days. MORE

VIDEO: Stunning interactive map shows the thousands of migrants flocking to Europe every month and how 680,000 have arrived this year alone

INTERACTA new interactive map shows the flow of more than a million migrants who have made their way to Europe in the past three years.

Each dot represents between 25 and 50 people who were among the more than 1.3million seeking asylum in the Eurozone from 2012 to the end of 2015.

And by hovering over individual countries you can see how many migrants they have taken – or in some cases have lost – over the past three years.

The map has been plotted based on figures from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees who say in excess of 680,000 have arrived in Europe in the past ten months. MORE ON MAP

Looking At Tears Under A Microscope Reveals A Shocking Fact.

Rose-Lynn Fisher studied 100 different tears and found that basal tears (the ones that our body produces to lubricate our eyes) are drastically different from the tears that happen when we are chopping onions. The tears that come about from hard laughter aren’t even close to the tears of sorrow. Like a drop of ocean water each tiny tear drop carries a microcosm of human experience. Her project is called The Topography of Tears. SOURCE 

Tears from laughing until crying

Tears from laughing until crying

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