Rogue Catholic bishops plan to grow schismatic challenge to Rome

French Bishop Jean-Michel Faure walks during a mass in Nova FriburgoTwo renegade Catholic bishops plan to consecrate a new generation of bishops to spread their ultra-traditionalist movement called “The Resistance” in defiance of the Vatican, one of them said at a remote monastery in Brazil.

French Bishop Jean-Michel Faure, himself consecrated only two weeks ago by the Holocaust-denying British Bishop Richard Williamson, said the new group rejected Pope Francis and what it called his “new religion” and would not engage in a dialogue with Rome until the Vatican turned back the clock. MORE

Scientists rediscover 1000 year old medieval potion that can kill hospital superbugs like MRSA dead

MRSAMainA thousand year-old medieval potion made out of onions, garlic, wine and oxgall – bile from a cow’s stomach – can kill hospital superbugs, say scientists.

The potent 10th century brew – used by Anglo Saxons to treat a stye – destroyed 90 per cent of the bacteria on scraps of skin taken from mice with MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).

Interestingly the ingredients had little effect unless they were all brought together into the concoction, the study by Nottingham University researchers found. Continue reading

As Latin Mass gains popularity, some in North Jersey reluctant to ‘turn back’

latin-massHere in North Jersey, the question of reintroducing Masses in Latin, even on a limited basis, appears to make some parishes uncomfortable.

The priest who celebrated the unadvertised St. Joseph’s Day Mass in Bergen County has held one Latin Mass per month for the last few months, with permission from the diocese. His request not to be identified, he said, was a matter of “protocol” within the parish, which has not decided if it wants to have regular services in Latin. MORE

Burundi’s Catholic Church steps in as leader hangs tough

buruReligion can be brought to bear on politics,

The Sunday service at the hill-top Kiryama church was packed as Catholic Archbishop Simon Ntamwana delivered a sermon,

Addressing a congregation of hundreds in his central Burundi parish, Ntamwana read from the Old Testament story of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah who rebelled against God and brought destruction on his kingdom.

“We cannot choose other paths than those of love and of mutual respect for the principles that govern our country,” he said. MORE

34,000 Black Churches Break Ties With Presbyterian Church USA

gay-rainbow-flagThe National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African-Americans, has broken its fellowship with Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) following its recent vote to approve same-sex marriage.

The Presbyterian General Assembly, the top legislative body of the PCUSA, voted last June to revise the constitutional language defining marriage. This arbitrary change of Holy Scripture is a flagrantly pretentious and illegitimate maneuver by a body that has no authority whatsoever to alter holy text. MORE

Cardinal Raymond Burke: Gays, Remarried Catholics Are Just As Sinful As Murderers

Synod On the Themes of Family Is Held At VaticanIn some worse cases, murderers can’t kill the soul. You see, it’s the individual who kills his soul by allowing himself to die in a state of mortal  sin. The murder just took his life, (Body) Satan took his soul.

(RNS) When Pope Francis last year effectively demoted U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke by moving him out of a senior post in the Vatican to a largely ceremonial role as head of a Rome-based Catholic charity, it was viewed as a way to sideline one of the pontiff’s most outspoken critics on the right. But…MORE