California regulates cow farts

cows_1472567726912_1929865_ver1-0California is taking its fight against global warming to the farm.

The nation’s leading agricultural state is now targeting greenhouse gases produced by dairy cows and other livestock.

Despite strong opposition from farmers, Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation in September that for the first time regulates heat-trapping gases from livestock operations and landfills. MORE


Northern Sierra Nevada sees wettest fall in 30 years

la-jserna-1480445318-snap-photoCalifornia’s northern Sierra Nevada mountain range, home to some of the state’s largest reservoirs, had the wettest first two months of the water year since 1984, the National Weather Service said Tuesday.

Between October and November, the eight measuring stations along the northern range received an average of 18 inches of precipitation, or about 200% above average for the first two months of the state’s water year, said meteorologist Eric Kurth of the National Weather Service in Sacramento. MORE

Five countries help Israel fight massive fires

The two countries resumed full diplomatic ties last week with the mutual naming of new ambassadors, after six years of downgraded ties following the Mavi Marmara incident. Turkey sent two planes to Israel in December 2010 to fight the Carmel forest fire, at the height of the diplomatic crisis between the two countries. MORE

Daily Breeze prints Josephs Letter, 1st Sunday of Advent Inbox x

images-18The Electoral College & the Liberal Bigots
In response to Edwen Chemerinsky Breeze 11-17-16

Changed title to: Liberal policies defy our founding principles

One of the main reasons we kept the Electoral college that still matters is to give extremely small states some say in the election. Today if we were to go by the popular vote the 12 to 15 most populated states could dominate any national election. That’s one third of the States could rule the country. Continue reading

Reform hopes as Vatican panel studies female deacons

70094e3VATICAN CITY: A papal commission on the role of female deacons met for the first time Friday in a move reformers hope could open the door to women eventually entering the Catholic clergy.

As things stand only men can serve as priests or as deacons. The latter are church officers who are authorised to give sermons and preside over baptisms, marriages and funerals but not to hear confessions or give communion, tasks which remain the preserve of ordained priests. MORE

Norwegian church denounces Luther’s anti-Jewish writings Inbox x

Norway’s state Lutheran Church has condemned the anti-Jewish legacy of Martin Luther, the 16th century German theologian who started the Protestant Reformation.

In a statement issued Friday ahead of next year’s 500-year anniversary of the Reformation, the Church of Norway’s General Synod said some of Luther’s writings were later used in anti-Semitic propaganda, including in Nazi Germany. MORE


Insight into the Catholic Faith presents ~ Catholic Tradition Newsletter

adventweek1Vol 9 Issue 50a ~Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
November 26, 2016 ~ Saint Sylvester, opn!

1. Baptism: Means of Salvation (95)
2. First Sunday in Advent
3. Saint James Intercisus
4. Family and Marriage
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader:
Tomorrow is the first Sunday in Advent which, for Catholics, is the beginning of the New Year for the Church as she begins the Liturgical Year again. Catholics begin preparation for the Coming of Christ. Continue reading