Monthly Archives: July 2024
Pope Francis receives Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Antonij
Iran’s new president is not a hard liner
Opus Dei Takeover of Knights of Columbus
Dear Friends, The Knights of Columbus will be celebrating their 142 ND Supreme Convention in Quebec, Canada August 6-8, 2024. Thus far, Knight leaders have successfully stonewalled against the charge that the Knights of Columbus has been taken over by Opus Dei. Grassroot knights are largely unaware of the disaster that lies ahead should they fail to regain control of their multi-billion-dollar insurance agency. Will you please send a copy of this mailing to your local Knights’ chapter in your parish and encourage local Knights to raise the concerns documented in this 9-part series at the upcoming annual convention? Many thanks, Randy Engel Opus Dei WATCH.
COMPLETE: Opus Dei Takeover of the Knights
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