Does Hell Exist? Pope Francis Says No In New Interview That Could Change Catholic Church Forever

Catholic Pope Francis made a startling revelation Thursday by stating that hell did not exist, in an interview with a leading liberal Italian newspaper.

In an article entitled “It is an honor to be called a revolutionary,” La Repubblica editor Eugenio Scalfari acknowledged the pontiff’s previous remarks about how “good souls” who sought repentance from God would receive it and then asked: “What about the bad souls?”. Seemingly going against centuries of core Christian belief, Pope Francis said the souls of sinners simply vanished after death, and were not subject to an eternity of punishment. MORE & MORE

AntiChrist Francis and SSPX have joined up together and are planning Joseph’s Crucifixion.

How ironic that what is transpiring with SSPX and AntiChrist Francis would be happening during the passion week of Our Lord. Not that I will be killed this weekend but the fly is in the ointment, as they say.
First, let me explain that Joseph from the offset of becoming aware that the Lord would come back on Pentecost Sunday in 1970 set out to tell the whole world and I started with the Bishop of Rome Paul VI. I sent him a registered letter. Next my Cardinal Manning (Cardinal McIntyre was just being phased out.} my Pastor Father Redahan RIP. Than I proceeded to inform all the Traditional Bishops and Fathers. Many of the Traditional Bishops and Fathers endorsed my finding but CMRI later changed it’s position. Continue reading

Catholics. Are you a Sinner or a Son of God?

It’s nauseating for me to have to write these articles but Catholics are being brained washed into the protestant theology of “Were all sinners so just accept Jesus and your saved.” To begin with, protestants have no separation of Sins. They categorize all SINS as equal. Where as even Scriptures tells us that, “some sins are unto death and some are not.” (1) Those that are not are called Venial Sins. Venial sins cannot make you a SINNER. The objective and true meaning of a sinner is, “One who premeditates Mortal Sin without the desire to repent.” Continue reading

Insight into the Catholic Faith presents Catholic Tradition Newsletter

Vol 11 Issue 12 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier

All men are vain in whom there is not the knowledge of God; and who by these good things that are seen, could not understand Him that is, neither by attending to the works have acknowledged who was the workman. (Wisdom 13:1)

March 24, 2018 ~ Saint Gabriel, Archangel, opn!

1. Mary as Co-Redemptrix
2. Palm Sunday
3. Annunciation (Transferred)
4. Family and Marriage
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader:

Holy Mother Church enters into the holiest of weeks when she joins the Bridegroom in His Sacrificial death. Continue reading

Week of the Creation, Happy Birthday World, Adam and Good Friday.

Week of the Creation, Happy Birthday World, Adam and Good Friday.

March 25th would be the week of the creation by the solar calendar and spring full moon, so this year the creation week starts on 25th and Adam’s birth or his creation day would fall on Good Friday evening by the Jewish calendar.(6pm) March 30th-31st. Ex:12. The reading on Good Friday, Holy Saturday Gen: 1.How ironic that our Lord would die on the day He created Adam. Some say that they were both buried in the same area but I can’t vouch for that. Continue reading

Insight into the Catholic Faith presents Catholic Tradition Newsletter

Vol 11 Issue 11 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier

All men are vain in whom there is not the knowledge of God; and who by these good things that are seen, could not understand Him that is, neither by attending to the works have acknowledged who was the workman. (Wisdom 13:1)

March 17, 2018 ~ Saint Patrick, opn!

1. Mary as Co-Redemptrix
2. Passion Sunday
3. Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
4. Family and Marriage
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader:

Sunday we will enter into the Church and notice everything is covered in purple (except Saint Joseph—as his feast will be celebrated on Monday, Continue reading

Transfiguration , Moses and Elias

Over the years I have asked the Fathers, how did those three Apostles know it was Elias standing with our Lord & Moses. With Moses I could have envisioned him with the Ten Commandments but nobody could give me an answer for Elias till a few Sundays ago where this friend I addressed on the issue. He showed me a picture of the Transfiguration in his St. Andrew Missal for the Second Sunday in Lent, and there it was. Moses with the Ten Commandments and the other person holding a Scroll.

The Scroll represents the Scriptures from the prophets and the highest ranking prophet in the past would have to be Elias. Also these three people were they only one’s up until that time who fasted for 40 days. Continue reading

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Note! Why am I publishing this? Because The Dimond Brothers have condemned every Traditional Catholic group there is, that I know of. They left me out so as to not give me any notoriety.
As I have been saying for the last 45 or so years, the papacy ended with Paul VI. He became the “The Man of Sin,” and started the “Great Apostasy.” From this point on all others are just reigning as the “AntiChrists of Scriptures,” This proves St. Malachi’s prophecies to be in error.
I have all the facts and evidence on my web site or you can ask me if you wish. In Christ, Joseph

Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018, 3:49:38 PM EST
Exposed: Dimonds’ “monastic” life
Keep in mind this was written by another Sedevacantist not me. Continue reading