Christ’s Return and the Beast of the Apocalypse

Two booklets reveal the names of the AntiChrists (more than one) and the False Prophets plus information about the Week of the Testimonial General Judgment during which Christ will return. 1999 Nihil Obstat by Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O. P.  R.I.P on the Parousia Booklet. On the Second Coming of Christ booklet on page one I foretell the increase of natural disasters as we get closer to His coming. Send $20.00 post paid total to get both booklets with documents. Add $5.00 for overseas

to:Joseph B.D. Saraceno17024 S. Western Ave # 8Gardena, Ca,

Confirmations at O.L.H.C. was done by Bishop Tissier de Mallerals? France.

Right now, this is an independent Church and school being serviced by sspx priests. I got lucky during the potluck to talk to the Bishop as he was casually walking around. I sent him my materials years ago and introduce myself as the one who is preaching the Lord’s return. At his age, looks close to 90, was confused somewhat but after I gave him my “Great Apostasy & Christ’s Return” card, he smiled after looking at it. The Prior Father Burfitt is not in this picture as he was on his way over when I took the picture. Then after Father began having his picture taken by the individual family’s we meet as he was walking by and I greeted him by saying, good show Father as I extended my hand, he said, ” don’t know whether to shake your hand or curtsy and I said a shake is fine, laughing all the way.Another victory for St. Michael the Archangel I said to myself. In Christ, Joseph.

Why the First day of the Creation follows Palm Sunday and why Christ will return on Pentecost Sunday

The week of the creation goes by the Easter (Passover) Full Moon, (Psl: 88:38) which would be the first Full Moon after March 21. So, while the Jews were Glorifying Jesus as King and hero, on Palm Sunday little did they know that this was the first day of the Creation. Then you have Adam’s birth or creation day falling on Good Friday April 7 this year.  Ex: 12. The reading on Good Friday, and Holy Saturday Gen: 1.So when God created Adam, he put a FULL MOON over his head and that has been the Church’s Clock ever since.Coincidently, we have a full moon during the end of the world week as well, at the close of Pentecost.
I heard this protestant minister. (Dr. Jobe Martin) compare the week of the creation with what our Lord did when He made wine at the wedding. He made that point about how long it takes to make wine, let alone good wine and yet Jesus made it all in an instant. If he could make that wine in an instant, then he could just as easily have made the world in a week. Good point I thought. I’ll drink to that.

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“Christ’s Return, and the Beast of the Apocalypse.”

By Joseph B.D. Saraceno
In this lectured C/D, booklets & documents explains about when Christ will return,  why He will come back on Pentecost Sunday, (Middle East Time) Explains the Anti-Christ system, describes the “Marks of the Beast,” and shows where the V-2 Council is located in the Scriptures.
“The Great Apostasy,” booklet focuses on the relationship of the Vatican 
 II Council with the One World Humanistic Inter-Faith Gospel working with the U.N. E.U. & IMF – for the one world secular liberal democracy.

“The Day of the Lord,” booklet clarifies through Scriptures, Church teaching & Tradition why Christ will come back on Pentecost Sunday. Booklets come with papers and are sold as a SET. Also, Father Noel Barbara’s dynamic lecture, “Why the Vatican II Popes cannot be Popes.”   C/D, 90 min. long. Send $35.00 postpaid. Add $10.00 for Overseas. Without the C/D $25:00

Send to:
Joseph B.D. Saraceno

17024 S. Western Ave #8

Gardena, Ca, 90247-5215


A weekly presentation of News, Information, Readings and Commentary for traditional Roman Catholics and Catholic Families remaining faithful to the teaching Magisterium as held by all faithful Catholics through the centuries.

Vol 15 Issue 53                                                           Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier

 December 31, 2022,                                                   Saint Sylvester, opn!

Dear Reader:

In the celebration of the Feast of the Circumcision, we recognize the shifting of faith from the Old Testament to that of the New Testament. In the Old Testament we recall several persons and events that culminate in this feast:

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The Role of Priests and Laymen in the Crisis Within the Church

Part III: The Best Book on the New Mass

Shortly after the introduction of a new rite of the Mass more than five decades ago, a Brazilian lay theologian, Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira, wrote a lengthy study documenting the doctrinal concerns that were shared by many Catholics. In September of 1973 Pope Paul VI intervened to prevent the publication of the book, but on January 25, 1974, Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer of Campos, Brazil, wrote a letter to Paul VI, and respectfully adopted as his own the concerns expressed by Dr. Xavier da Silveira.  At that time the book had circulated privately in mimeographed form in four languages (Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English), and in 1977 Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre described it as the best book on the new Mass.1

The timeliness of having such a book published now, when the motu proprio of Pope Francis has given rise to a renewed debate about the liturgical reforms, will be obvious to many.  What is in some way unique is that it was written by a lay theologian rather than by a priest.  Receiving the approval of Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer – the two bishops most known for working to preserve the traditional rite of the Roman liturgy – it stands out among the contributions of laymen to their own defense of the traditional rite.

The publication now of this book is another manifestation of the respective roles of priests and laymen in the present crisis in the Church.  The popes of the early twentieth century were very attentive to the role of the laity, that of assisting the hierarchy in defending the Church against modern errors, and against hostile governments persecuting the Church. When, for example, Pope Pius XI was told by French writer Henri Bourdeaux, “Your Holiness, politics should defend religion and Christian ethics,” Pius XI replied, “No, precisely the contrary is the case. It is religion which defends politics.  And every time politics ignores the lessons which religion teaches, it becomes bad politics.”2  In the context of his pontificate it was clear that by religion Pius XI meant not only the hierarchy, but also the lay apostolate collaborating with the priests and bishops, in what St. Pius X and his immediate successors referred to as Catholic Action.

However, because of the crisis that the Church faced in the twentieth century, divisions arose within Catholic Action as Catholics themselves debated the role of the lay apostolate.  Profound political divisions among Catholics served to highlight the nature of that crisis.  On one hand the Popes sought to remain above the conflicts, but after the Second World War Pius XII indicated that the Church cannot always remain neutral, and that the Church’s judgments anticipate in some way the final judgment.3

In the 1950s Pius XII sought to provide further clarification of the role of the lay apostolate, by explaining its multiple forms, manifested by the various degrees in which these apostolates are guided by the hierarchy.4  After his death, with the coming of the Second Vatican Council under Pope John XXIII, the vigilance of the previous popes was replaced by a certain optimism.  And the concept of the People of God included an effort to exalt the role of the laity.  But that in turn brought further debate about the respective roles of priests and laymen.

Archbishop Lefebvre saw a crisis in the priesthood that would put less emphasis on the administration of the Sacraments, and more on preaching and social activism.  And in the midst of the liturgical reform, the new rite of the Mass introduced by Pope Paul VI, as shown by Dr. Xavier da Silveira in his book, sought to introduce ecumenical elements into the Mass.  This in turn had effects on civil society, prompted by an emphasis on collaboration with non-Catholics and governmental initiatives, overshadowing the organized lay apostolate promoted by the popes prior to the Council.

In the midst of these developments, there appeared a growing movement to preserve the traditional Roman rite, participated in by both priests and laity, but in ways proper to their different states of life.  While Archbishop Lefebvre devoted himself to the formation of priests to celebrate the traditional rite, a growing lay apostolate dedicated itself in turn to a doctrinal defense of Tradition, including the Church’s ancient Roman rite.  The book on the problems with the new Mass by Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira is an example of central importance, insofar as it demonstrated what Cardinal Ottaviani had stated in his letter to Paul VI, when presenting the pope with the short critical study of the novus ordo missae by a group of theologians – that the new rite departed from the doctrine of the Mass taught by the Council of Trent.5

Various priestly societies that were founded for the celebration of the traditional Mass, unlike the Society of St. Pius X which preceded them, have generally avoided public debate, concentrating on the central act of their priestly vocation – the celebration itself of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  If they were to engage in doctrinal debates, they might jeopardize their canonical status, and risk suspension or suppression of their communities.  The laity, on the other hand, are freer to discuss the doctrinal implications of the novus ordo missae.  Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira accepted this challenge and responsibility, and his book received the approval of Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer, and later of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

The theological and canonical literature justifying such action on the part of the laity is sufficient to demonstrate their fidelity to the Church.  Pope Pius XII was very emphatic in clarifying the multiple forms of the lay apostolate, explaining the different degrees of their relationship with the hierarchy.  And the new Code of Canon Law is explicit in recognizing the right of the faithful to express their concerns to ecclesiastical authority.6 The book by Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira was written before the new Code was promulgated but manifests a natural right to appeal to ecclesiastical superiors.  Preserving Christian Publications, therefore, is now honored to help make this timely book available to concerned Catholics.

Two Timely Issues:
The New Mass and the Possibility of a Heretical Pope

Arnaldo Xavier da Silviera
Translated by John R. Spann & José Aloisio Schelini
2022 365p $24.00 #3117

The Liturgical Year
By Dom Prosper Guéranger
Advent and Christmas: Volumes 1-3 – $48.00 #5962

Complete set in 15 volumes
sewn hardback $240.00 #5961

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“No One Knows When the End Will Come.” Is a false Christian teaching

Pope Gregory the Great Painting by Unknown

No One Knows When the End Will Come.” Is a false Christian teaching.    1-16-22

In the Catholic Church, Pope St. Gregory I, (600) also known as “the Great”, made it very clear that we are not to say Jesus Christ did not know when the end of the world would come.  In the Pope’s Epistle, “Sicut agua frigida”, he writes: “It is written: In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…All things were made by him (John 1:13).  If all, then without doubt also the day of Judgment and the hour. Who, therefore, is so foolish as to presume to assert that the Word of the Father made that which He does not know?  It is written also: Jesus knowing that the Father gave him all things into his hands (John 13:3).  If all things, surely both the day of judgment and the hour.  Who, therefore, is so stupid as to say that the Son has received in His hands that of which He is unaware?”

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