Monthly Archives: August 2017
Traditional Catholic Bishop John Hesson Dies RIP
The TRADITIO Network has been informed that Bishop John Hesson, O.S.B., died on August 26, 2017, in Florida, where he had retired after serving as a traditional Catholic priest and bishop.
In Omaha, Three Faiths Share One Big Idea
A new kind of “neighborhood” is nearing completion in West Omaha, Nebraska—a place where Jews, Muslims, and Christians will share spaces, food, ideas, joy, and pain. MORE
Man loses fortune, lives alone on desert island for 20 years
A real-life Robinson Crusoe who has spent 20 years living on a desert island says he’s glad he doesn’t have to worry about terrorist attacks.
Former millionaire David Glasheen, 73, moved to the idyllic Restoration Island, located off North East Australia, in May 1997 after losing his fortune in the stock exchange crash of 1987. MORE
Cardinal Mahony calls Trump’s pardon of Sheriff Arpaio ‘disgusting’
In a statement on Monday, the retired Cardinal Archbishop of Los Angeles became the first member of the Church hierarchy to speak out against President Donald Trump’s pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. In a strongly worded statement, he called the decision “disgusting” and said it undermined the rule of law. MORE
Tropical Storm Irma to strengthen, track across Atlantic this week; Will it affect the US?
While the Gulf Coast continues to deal with the devastating impacts of Harvey, emergency managers in the United States have another tropical threat to monitor by the name of Irma. MORE
Hurricane Harvey much less damaging than Katrina
Damages from Harvey, the hurricane and tropical storm ravaging Houston and the Texas Gulf Coast, are estimated to be well below those from major storms that have hit New Orleans and New York, according to Hannover Re on Monday. MORE
In Turkey, Schools Will Stop Teaching Evolution This Fall
When children in Turkey head back to school this fall, something will be missing from their textbooks: any mention of evolution.
The Turkish government is phasing in what it calls a values-based curriculum. Critics accuse Turkey’s president of pushing a more conservative, religious ideology — at the expense of young people’s education. MORE
My Booklet message I have been circulating since 1973, now on Facebook. God bless.
The Day of the Lord & the Signs of His Coming
American Leftists Go on a Rampage against Catholic History Now St. Joan of Arc and Our Lady of Guadalupe Have Been Targeted
From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Leftists in the United States, who started with destroying statues erected to heroes of the Confederacy, then moved on to desecrating statues of Padre Junipero Serra. founder of the California Missions, have now gone on to target monuments to other Catholic heroes: St. Joan of Arc, Christopher Columbus, Roger Taney — even Our Lady of Guadalupe.
S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster issues executive order cutting off state, local money from abortion clinics
Triggering praise, criticism and some confusion, Gov. Henry McMaster issued an executive order Friday cutting off all public funding to health care providers affiliated with abortion clinics in South Carolina. MORE
VIDEO: Homeless taking over Los Angeles, city leader says…
Amid rising homelessness and mounting outcry from residents and business owners, a Los Angeles city councilman said Wednesday he wants to take a hard look at the way the city responds to the increasing presence of encampments and recreational vehicles. MORE
Pope Francis says Vatican II liturgical reform is ‘irreversible’
Seeking to put an end to various attempts to roll back the reform of the liturgy introduced by the Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis this morning stated unequivocally that “the reform of the liturgy is irreversible.” MORE
As Harvey continues to gather strength and approach Texas, the hurricane is poised to stall and unleash life-threatening and disastrous flooding into next week.
Harvey is projected make landfall along the Texas coast as a Category 4 hurricane on San Jose Island or Matagorda Island, between Port Aransas and Port O’Connor, Texas, late Friday night into early Saturday morning. MORE