Biden to meet with Pope Francis in January to discuss “peace”

By Kate Quiñones

CNA Staff, Dec 19, 2024 / 19:45 pm

U.S. President Joe Biden accepted an invitation to visit Pope Francis next month and discuss efforts to advance peace, the White House announced on Thursday. 

Biden, the country’s second Catholic president, is set to travel to Rome from Jan. 9–12 at Pope Francis’ invitation. His audience with Pope Francis is set for Jan. 10 and will focus on efforts to advance peace around the world.

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Christ’s Return and the Beast of the Apocalypse

Two booklets reveal the names of the AntiChrists (more than one) and the False Prophets in “The Great Apostasy” booklet unlocking the book of the Apocalypse and documents on who opens the gates of hell in Apocalypse 9. The Apocalypse foretells the

 increase of natural disasters as we get closer to His coming, on that last week of the Testimonial General Judgment during which Christ will return after the great chastisement of fire which will be needed to protect the faithful remnant.

On the Second Coming of Christ booklet, I explain why the church points to Pentecost Sunday as the first day of Christs return, (Middle east time) and why the General Judgment lasts a week. Note, we do not get that last Pentecost Sunday here in the west it will be Saturday night here.Nihil Obstat by 

Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O. P. on the Parousia Booklet.

RIPSend $20.00 post paid total to get both booklets with documents. Add $5.00 for overseas

to:Joseph B.D. Saraceno17024 S. Western Ave # 8Gardena, Ca, 90247-5215         

“Auld Lang Syne”: Guy Lombardo made it a big hit.

Guy Lombardo made it a big hit. Check out his music when you have time.

Here are the full lyrics to “Auld Lang Syne”:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne.
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp!
And surely I’ll be mine!
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

U.K. Bans Puberty Blockers for Gender-Confused Children Indefinitely

Transgender rights supporters protest in favor of Scottish gender reform bill outside Downing Street in London, Britain, January 21, 2023.(Henry Nicholls/Reuters)



December 11, 2024 4:38 PM

The United Kingdom on Wednesday indefinitely banned puberty-blocking drugs as a treatment for minors with gender dysphoria, except in clinical trials, due to an “unacceptable safety risk.”

Twenty-Two Mysteries of Faith given to Catholics from 1973 to 2021 Publicly. Are now Twenty-three


1. Christ will come back on SUNDAY (Middle East Time) Apoc.1:10 & Tradition

2. On that last Pentecost Sunday. Apoc. 14:14. & Tradition.

3. The General Judgment lasts a Week. Apoc. 17:11. (7 & 8 The symbol for Pentecost) Tradition. As did the week of the creation.

4 + 5. The Vatican II Council in the book of the Apocalypse: 9:1, 13:5, 16:13, 17:4-8, 18:4-5 & 2 Tim. 4:3. (pope John XXIII opens up the gates of Hell. Apoc. 9:1)6 + 7. Name the “Man of Sin,” as Paul VI. 2 Thess. 2, For her SINS have reached unto Heaven, (The Mass is Heaven on earth.) Apoc: 18:5. 

Read more: Twenty-Two Mysteries of Faith given to Catholics from 1973 to 2021 Publicly. Are now Twenty-three

8-12 Name the “AntiChrist,” in Apoc. 13:14, John Paul II the Great, Apoc.13:11-14 (Has Two Horns like a lamb but speaks as a dragon.) Two names of prophets, John + Paul, see Luke. 1:69. Has a grievous wound and lives & is admired by the world, accepted by the Jews) (1st to ever enter a Synagogue publicly)13. Name the “False Prophet,” in Apoc.19:20 & 20:10. Billy Graham. (Or his successor) Apoc: 18:7.5″ sorrow I shall not see.” (The church of the resurrection = Protestants) See # 20.)

14. Describe the symbols of AntiChrists. The Jewish Ephod (Breast Plate), the Cross of the resurrection & the Broken Cross. Introduced by Paul VI. (6) is the symbol of the Hebrew faith, short of perfection or incomplete without Jesus Christ reflected as # 7.) Footnotes. Apoc.13:18.15. Give an approximate length of time of the “Great Apostasy.” of 

about 40 to 50 years. Apoc. 18:10-17. Matt. 24:34. A Generation, Rev. Dr. Huchede says 45 years,” History of AntiChrist.” (As of 2021 we are entering the 51ist year) Which un-officially started in1965 but OFFICIALLY started on Nov. 19, 1969, from the public rejection by Paul VI of the Cardinal “Ottaviani 

Intervention.” Who represented the Traditionalists.  As it stands right now the Lord has a 80% chance of returning next year. (2022) Depending on the right to assemble in Jerusalem, etc.16. One of the many AntiChrists will CLASH with the Jews as stated in my 1991 lecture. Apoc: 17:16. As Benedict XVI did (Feb. 08) with the Liturgy change (1962 Missal only) for Good Friday saying that the Jews needed to be saved, (This was done to please SSPX and excommunication lifted, Jews cause uproar.) Then came Bishop Williamson’s holocaust denial. More Jewish decent. Some of the Jews were misinformed of the New Missal changes.

17. The Church takes refuge in the United States after the V-2 Council. Apoc. 12:14. The Eagle here is the United States.

18: Palm Sunday is the 1st day of the creation with Adam being formed on Good Friday. Ex. 12 and Tradition. (Passover)

19: pope John XXIII is the Star that falls from Heaven and opens the gates of hell (The Vatican II Council) which leads to the 1st AntiChrist in Apoc.9.

Fr. E. S. Berry. “The Apocalypse of St. John” 1921.20:  President Trump did take Rev. Billy Graham’s place as the false prophet of the Bible although, is his case, was not aware of it just following the protestant’s belief that the Jews are still God’s people in faith and bloodline, but the problem was, he and the AntiChrist Francis did not get along, and that was and is a problem because the A/C & false prophet work together.21: With president Trump gone, I need a new False Prophet. So, 

In Comes Saint Joseph Biden. Biden is 100% behind the changes of the Vatican II Council and Rome’s Anti Christ’s agenda for the liberal, inter-faith, takeover of the world. 

22: A Bishop is the White Pebble (White Counter) who protects the church in the end times. Apocalypse 2:17 Could be Bishop Pivarunas of CMRI.

23: Dr: J. Vernon McGee Bible Radio Network. “The AntiChrist will do away with Capital Punishment.” John Paul II Stated, “It wasn’t needed any more except for Extreme cases,” later all together.

The Great Apostasy officially started on November 19, 1969, with the Ottaviani Intervention and other Traditional Catholic religious being rejected publicly by Paul VI. Under (Pope defends New Rites)

In Christ, Joseph B.D. Saraceno             2-5-21 St. Agatha VM A sister Sicilian

U.S. obesity epidemic 

Lily HermanA morning digest from Yahoo News
by Jessica Roy with Anthony RivasGood morning, all. It’s Friday, Nov. 15, and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is back at the top of the charts. Now, on to the news.
Note, I pointed out that the Catholic Church helped this obesity when it did away with the traditional Fish on Fridays.
Need to knownew study that looked into the U.S. obesity epidemic predicted that 260 million Americans could be obese or overweight by 2050.  The study: It noted that obesity among U.S. adults and older teens has doubled in the last three decades. Being overweight and obese are among the fastest-growing risk factors for early death. Study co-author Dr. Marie Ng said the U.S. is at a “crisis point.”Potential solutions: Ng said that while demand for weight loss drugs may increase, they’re “not a silver bullet,” and called for more focus on prevention, starting with pregnancy and infant feeding practices, healthier school meals and nutrition regulations. [CNN]

True marriage No Longer Two

No Longer Two 

A Commentary on the Encyclical  Casti Connubii of Pius XI (1955)

Walter J. Handren, S.J.    PART I   The Nature and Dignity of Christian Marriage

CHAPTER 4 Cooperation with God (9)

A. The High Dignity of the Married

B. Man Participates in Creation

C. Failure Betrays God’s Trust


9. Therefore, the sacred partnership of true marriage is constituted both by the will of God and the will of man. From God comes the very institution of marriage, the ends for which it was instituted, the laws that govern it, the blessings that flow from it; while man, through generous surrender of his own person made to another for the whole span of life, becomes, with the help and cooperation of God, the author of each particular marriage, with the duties and blessings annexed thereto from divine institute.

Read more: True marriage No Longer Two


A. The High Dignity of the Married

The married have, indeed, a very high dignity because of the fact that they are asked to work in such close harmony with God. They are to remember that marriage is not solely a personal adventure shared by the husband and wife but a partnership which includes God as a third Member, for the lasting benefit of the human race.

This attitude expected of the Christian spouses certainly demands of them a great forgetfulness of self. It is based upon love, which is an unselfish going out to another, and which must also include the love of God. Its first purpose is children; this means that the spouses enter it with the intention of subordinating themselves to the temporal and eternal welfare of their offspring. This seems to be a necessary accompaniment to cooperation with God. As God does everything with the good of others in mind, so must the spouses do everything with the good of others in mind.

B. Man Participates in Creation

Men think of creation as a wonderful work of God and stand in awe and admiration of it. It does not occur to them that creation is a continuing process and that they are called upon to participate in it. The procreation and education of children is cooperation with God in the continued creation of the human race. Men and women take care of the material aspects, while God, working right along with them, provides the spiritual part of the human composite. The three together, God, husband, and wife, keep the human race in existence.

When God creates, He produces a finite reflection of some facet of His infinite existence. When a man and woman cooperate with God in the procreation of a human being, they are, as it were, assisting in the production of a finite image of God in the world. Man in his act of procreation resembles the Trinity because the Trinity is an infinite and eternal generation and procession.

God’s idea of the human being that He creates, and man procreates, is a perfect one. But, when the human being is first born, it is only started on its way to the fulfillment of the sublime perfection of the idea God has of it. The duty of parents in cooperating with God does not cease at the birth of the child. It is continued in their attempt, by educating it, to bring it as close as possible to God’s infinitely perfect idea of it. Therefore, the parents, who by an act of love produce a likeness of God and of themselves, are raised to a tremendously high dignity—a dignity which demands their utmost efforts to fulfill it. Therefore, the greater the love of the parents for each other, the greater their love for their children, the nearer is their resemblance to the Trinity in Its infinite fruitfulness of love.

With this high dignity also go the many responsibilities which fall upon both parents.

When we speak of parents’ responsibilities, it should be remembered that they do not devolve entirely upon the mother. The father has his responsibilities, too, and he must not shirk them. It is not enough for him to provide the material means of support for the family. He also has the obligation to identify himself with the interests and activities of his child. If the full benefits of parental direction are to be reaped by the child, such direction should include that steadying and stabilizing influence which it is the father’s duty to exert.

C. Failure Betrays God’s Trust

The steward in the Gospel betrayed his master by misusing the possessions entrusted to his care. When a man sins, he fails God because as a servant he has rebelled against his master. He has become inordinately attached to these creatures given to him by God. Every sin committed by man is an inordinate use of creatures. When a man and woman marry, each becomes a creature given to the other by God for the other to use for God’s glory and the salvation of his soul.

Failing in marriage, therefore, means failing God. And this failure is the default not only of a servant but, as we have explained above, of a partner. When the spouses took their marriage vows, they gave their promise to God to work with Him until death. Christian honor demands that they do not go back on their word.The Catholic Tradition Newsletter

A weekly presentation of News, Information, Readings and Commentary for traditional Roman Catholics and Catholic Families remaining faithful to the teaching Magisterium as held by all faithful Catholics through the centuries.

Vol 17 Issue 35   Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Las Vegas, NV.

 August 31, 2024,                                                         Saint Raymond Nonnatus, opn!

More Apocalyptic Weather

Spain is enduring its worst flooding disaster in decades, with at least 95 people dead and dozens more missing, after huge rains swept the eastern province of Valencia and beyond. Torrential rain on Tuesday triggered flash floods which swept away bridges and buildings and forced people to climb on to roofs or cling to trees to survive.

Spain battles deadliest flooding disaster in decades as death … – B…

The Christian Movement That Is Threatening Our Democracy

There is, of late in the news media that a Christian majority would become a threat to Democracy.

Duh, democracy means government ruled by the people. In the 13 original colonies each one of them had Jesus in their constitutions. There was no persecution of people who were not Christian anywhere. Why would it be different today? And if anything, it was those Christians who gave us Democracy in the first place.

Christ’s Return and the Beast of the Apocalypse

Two booklets reveal the names of the AntiChrists (more than one) and the False Prophets plus information about the Week of the Testimonial General Judgment during which Christ will return. 1999 Nihil Obstat by Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O. P.  R.I.P on the Parousia Booklet. On the Second Coming of Christ booklet on page one I foretell the increase of natural disasters as we get closer to His coming. Send $20.00 post paid total to get both booklets with documents. Add $5.00 for overseas

to:Joseph B.D. Saraceno17024 S. Western Ave # 8Gardena, Ca,

Only by God’s mercy that I survived’: Hajj became a death march for 1,300 in extreme heat