COMECE condemns attempts to divide the Church

In the face of serious attacks against the Church and the person of the Holy Father, COMECE reaffirms its support, faithfulness and trust to Pope Francis.

COMECE condemns attempts to divide the Church of Christ and calls on all people of good will to work, in faith, for the development of a world of justice, truth and peace.

Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich s.j.  President of COMECE
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The Oil Export Boom

The Houston Ship Channel in Deer Park, Texas.

The Energy Information Administration announced this month that the port district of Houston-Galveston began exporting more crude oil than it imported for the first time. Houston-Galveston exports in April surpassed imports by 15,000 barrels a day, and by May the difference had grown to 470,000 barrels a day. That port district handles more than half of all U.S. crude exports, which hit a record of two million barrels a day in May. MORE

There were surprisingly few Catholic voices who spoke out against the Anti-council’s heresies

Image result for vatican 2

This  Article was take from  8-26-18 and my response follows.

“In those dark days of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), there were surprisingly few Catholic voices who spoke out against the Anti-council’s heresies and creation of the New church of the New Order to replace the Catholic Church on November 21, 1964. The question is still asked, why didn’t more Catholics speak out then against the fake New church, which is awash in heresy, immorality, corruption, and idolatrous services?”

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