Have IQ’s dropped since 1969? Um… yeah.
The Neil Armstrong biopic First Man premiered at the Venice Film Festival on Thursday, but it’s the film’s omission of Armstrong’s historic planting of the American flag on the moon has many outraged. MORE
Have IQ’s dropped since 1969? Um… yeah.
The Neil Armstrong biopic First Man premiered at the Venice Film Festival on Thursday, but it’s the film’s omission of Armstrong’s historic planting of the American flag on the moon has many outraged. MORE
In the face of serious attacks against the Church and the person of the Holy Father, COMECE reaffirms its support, faithfulness and trust to Pope Francis.
COMECE condemns attempts to divide the Church of Christ and calls on all people of good will to work, in faith, for the development of a world of justice, truth and peace.
Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich s.j. President of COMECE
Read it in: FR, DE, ES, IT.
Shocking footage shared by French broadcaster France 3 shows one fishing vessel attempting to ram another during the furious sea battle. MORE
Vol 11 Issue 35 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
September 1, 2018 ~ Saint Giles, opn!
Dear Reader:
Continue readingThe Washington Post reports: The Trump administration has decided to cancel all U.S. funding of the United Nations aid program for Palestinian refugees, part of its determination to put its money where its policy is as it seeks a recalculation of U.S. foreign aid spending and prepares its own Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. MORE
The Energy Information Administration announced this month that the port district of Houston-Galveston began exporting more crude oil than it imported for the first time. Houston-Galveston exports in April surpassed imports by 15,000 barrels a day, and by May the difference had grown to 470,000 barrels a day. That port district handles more than half of all U.S. crude exports, which hit a record of two million barrels a day in May. MORE
Anyone who has experienced getting a puppy knows it can be hard work. Owners often refer to their pets as “fur babies,” which makes a lot of sense considering how much attention puppies require when you first get them. MORE
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) asked Maine officials on Wednesday for permission to build a large grave to mark the site of a truck crash that resulted in thousands of lobsters spilling out onto a highway. VIDEO
Cardinal Blase Cupich suggested that allegations that Pope Francis knowingly rehabilitated an abusive American cardinal proceed from racism in a television interview with NBC News Tuesday. MORE
I ask our Blessed Mother to intercede for the healing of the survivors of abuse and to confirm every member of our Christian family in the resolve never again to permit these situations to occur.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) August 26, 2018
I think Our Lady’s doing more than that. She’s showing you the door!
This Article was take from http://www.Traditio.com 8-26-18 and my response follows.
“In those dark days of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965), there were surprisingly few Catholic voices who spoke out against the Anti-council’s heresies and creation of the New church of the New Order to replace the Catholic Church on November 21, 1964. The question is still asked, why didn’t more Catholics speak out then against the fake New church, which is awash in heresy, immorality, corruption, and idolatrous services?”
Continue readingI’m all for restoring traditional practices!
Within the past quarter-century, sexual abuse by clergy has been a high profile scandal within the Catholic Church. Most recently, the detestable accusations against Cardinal Theodore “Uncle Ted” McCarrick have rocked the Church and re-opened the discussion on how to handle cases of clerical abuse. MORE
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