(Assuming it’s a female) This person must know she’s doing wrong. Not only is it premeditated but she’s become a serial killer simply by using analytics.
Ectopic – in an abnormal place or position.
Nihil Obstat Bishop F. McKenna O.P. And many of the Traditional Fathers
Another crazy law by liberals.
The ban aside, about 200 retailers have agreed to make the switch this month as part of an industry-led campaign, dubbed “Strawless in Seattle,” to prevent the plastic from polluting ocean waters and threatening marine life. It is among similar efforts by advocacy groups in cities spanning the country, from San Diego to Miami. MORE
Numerous commentators have raised concerns about a proposed bill currently in the California Senate, Assembly Bill 2943. The bill would amend the California Consumer Legal Remedies Act to prohibit “sexual orientation change efforts.” MORE
It never ceases to amaze me how Satan use’s the same old tactics, generation after generation in bringing down mankind to his level. Nothing changes but the faces, is a term I use to use when companies changed management positions. With Traditional Catholics the in-house fighting continues unabated and you would honestly believe that they find enjoyment over everyone’s pain and sufferings. Continue reading
The Apostle St. Paul gave us insight on the Great Apostasy, the Man of Sin and the Second Coming of Christ.
ST. PAUL was born at Tarsus, of Jewish parents, and studied at Jerusalem, at the feet of Gamaliel. While still a young man, he held the clothes of those who stoned the proto-martyr Stephen; and in his restless zeal he pressed on to Damascus, “breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of Christ.” MORE
Vol 11 Issue 26 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
June 30, 2018 ~ Commemoration of Saint Paul
Dear Reader:
I was reading an article from the AFA Journal, a conservative Protestant publication Continue reading
WASHINGTON – It turns out Donald Trump wasn’t the only candidate the Russians allegedly tried to help during the 2016 presidential campaign.
A 37-page indictment resulting from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation shows that Russian nationals and businesses also worked to boost the campaigns of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Green party nominee Jill Stein in an effort to damage Democrat Hillary Clinton. MORE
“You can’t impose, really, obligations on people who are only two weeks old and you can’t say to them at seven or eight or 14 or 19 ‘here is what you contracted, here is what you signed up to’ because the truth is they didn’t,” she said in a June 23 interview with The Irish Times.
Baptizing babies, she said, makes “infant conscripts who are held to lifelong obligations of obedience.” MORE
Can’t speak for all the different Unions related with government employee’s but here in California there are some Federal Workers who have unions and non-union workers under their protection. The non-union workers are not compelled to join the union, it’s voluntary. And have the same benefits and protection as the union members. Technically speaking, this is a violation of California’s State, “Right to Work Laws.”
In Christ, Joseph
$1.7 million needed by June 30 to defend religious freedom
Dear Joseph,
In just four more days, we’ll close the books on our current fiscal year. And we still need help to meet our $1.7 million fiscal year-end need.
If you’ve already given, thank you so much! But if you haven’t, or if you can help again, please give today.
So much is on the line, and sitting on the sidelines is not an option. Continue reading