Wow. Amanda Gorman’s Black Catholic from LA parish, ‘it’s like everybody here is a freedom fighter’

 At St. Brigid Catholic Church, the Rev. Kenneth Keke preaches that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not only about eternity, but about “having a human face, loving one another.” Keke’s message stresses unity and that a “common humanity is what we need for us to live in peace.”

That is liberation theology and that is what we preach here,” said Keke, the St. Brigid priest from Nigeria. MORE

Democrat’s attacking America’s hero’s

How deplorable, Jackson a war hero of 1812 and 7th President of the United States to be taken off a $20 dollar bill for Tubman. Why not put her on the penny, we already have Lincoln on the Five Dollar bill.
With a change of administrations, it looks like Harriet Tubman is once again headed to the front of the $20 bill. MORE

We have a New False prophet that fits better with the AntiChrist

In my New Years resolutions article, I stated at the end of the article, that Christ has a better chance of coming back in 2022. Mainly because of the Q-19 virus.  I should have known, I had Trump listed as the False prophet that succeeded the main False prophet Rev. Billy Graham. I also was aware that the AntiChrist and the False prophet have to be in union with each other, which was not the case with Trump and AntiChrist Francis.

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Anniversary of space ship Challenger disaster Jan. 28, was an inter-faith, ethnic, and sex flight

The Challenger crew. Back row (L-R): Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Gregory Jarvis, Judith Resnick. Front row (L-R): Michael J. Smith, Francis “Dick” Scobee, Ronald McNair. I had just mailed out my latest article on the “Two Horns of AntiChrist,” and what got my attention was the two type horn display by the explosion.

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