Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, Ex-President of University of Notre Dame, Dies at 97

28hes-v4Is this good news or bad news? I guess it’s to late to matter. The Vatican II Council was way ahead of him..

The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, the strong-minded former president of the University of Notre Dame who stood up to both the White House and the Vatican as he transformed Catholic higher education in America and raised a powerful moral voice in national affairs, died late Thursday in South Bend, Ind. He was 97. MORE


Vatican whodunit: What happened to books on marriage?

Walter KasperCardinal Walter Kasper

The publisher of a book on traditional Catholic marriage is crying foul, saying someone apparently swiped upward of 100 copies of the book from the Vatican mailboxes of bishops who attended a meeting on family issues last October.

The publisher sent the books to attendees to counter progressive proposals by one of Pope Francis’ favorite theologians to let divorced and civilly remarried Catholics receive Communion. The book, penned by five high-ranking, conservative cardinals, argues that the suggestion is essentially moot since it is contrary to Christ’s teaching on the indissolubility of marriage. MORE

VIDEO: How Did Leonard Nimoy Come Up With Vulcan Salute?

SPOCKNimoy was born to Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Ukraine, which led to his developing the gesture. As a child, Nimoy witnessed priests forming their fingers in a V-shaped pattern, palms down, which is a traditional Jewish blessing.

“For what would soon become known as the Vulcan salute, I borrowed a hand symbol from Orthodox Judaism. During the High Holiday services, the Kohanim (who are the priests) bless those in attendance. As they do, they extend the palms of both hands over the congregation, with thumbs outstretched and the middle and ring fingers parted so that each hand forms two vees,” he explained in his memoir I am Spocj. MORE

God will transform your whole being into readiness for Heaven

heavServe Christ in the unlovable, in the least of men. Center your life in Charity, joy, prayer, and gratitude to God. Through these virtues God will transform your whole being into readiness for Heaven..
I Thess: 5:14-23
And we beseech you, brethren, rebuke the unquiet, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, be patient towards all men.  See that none render evil for evil to any man; but ever follow that which is good towards each other, and towards all men.
The unquiet: That is, such as are irregular and disorderly.
Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing.  In all things give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you all.  Extinguish not the spirit.  Despise not prophecies.
But prove all things; hold fast that which is good.  From all appearance of evil refrain yourselves. And may the God of peace himself sanctify you in all things; that your whole spirit, and soul, and body, may be preserved blameless in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.On that last week of Pentecost.
In Christ, Joseph

From car batteries in Texas to brewing supplies in Michigan – map shows the most popular type of store in each state


A map showing the types of retail stores that are most popular in each US state has been compiled.

The survey reveals that car battery retailers are the store of choice in five states, including Texas and Ohio.

The data, compiled by Yelp and Huffington Post, compared online business listings with the national prevalence of different types of stores. MORE



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Confessions of a Gay Jesuit: How I Was Forced To Leave My Church—And Calling

cachedBen Brenkert wanted to be a priest, but confronted by the hypocrisy and prejudice of the Catholic Church he had to quit. Here, in a powerful, heartfelt essay, he explains why.
Today, at 35, I am a gay seminarian who still needs human touch. For me the best place is the Episcopal Church. Some day I will be a priest, hopefully married with children. That’s what I’m looking for, love; it falls under the rubric of modern love. I am a modern gay Christian in search of love, one who still wants to become a priest. MORE

Muslims Predict Jesus Will Defeat ISIS, Beginning in 2015

savior-soft_0It’s nice to hear the Muslims admit to needing Jesus to bring in peace. I guess the Jews could counter, “Were waiting for Him to.”

The good news is that even if they’re wrong, those claims ISIS is making about their own role in Islamic end-time prophecy spell their own certain end. Because even though ISIS claims they’re fighting on the side of the angels, it’s obvious they’re not, and it should become progressively clearer to even the most misguided Jihadi that either ISIS is wrong about Armageddon or that they’re on the wrong side, because of all the things Muslims know are supposed to happen. MORE

Girl suicide bomber kills 5 in Nigerian market. … A girl as young as 10

Nigeria Boko HaramA girl as young as 10 blew herself up in a busy market in northeastern Nigeria, killing herself and four others, and fueling fears Islamic extremists are using kidnapped girls as suicide bombers.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack Sunday, which also seriously wounded 46 people, but it bore the hallmarks of Nigeria’s homegrown extremist group, Boko Haram. MORE