Insight into the Catholic Faith presents the Catholic Tradition Newsletter

meda1Vol 10 Issue 13 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
April 1, 2017 ~ Lenten Feria

1. Is the Chair of Peter Vacant? An Argument for Sedevacantism
2. Passion Sunday
3. Saint Francis of Paola
4. Family and Marriage
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader:
This Sunday the Church will cover the Crucifix and the Saints’ images as she witnesses the persecution of Christ by His enemies but particularly by our sins. Continue reading

Israel gives green light to decriminalize marijuana use

FILE PHOTO: A worker harvests cannabis plants at a plantation near the northern town of Nazareth, IsraelThe Israeli government voted on Sunday in favor of decriminalizing recreational marijuana use, joining some U.S. states and European countries who have adopted a similar approach.

“On the one hand we are opening ourselves up to the future. On the other hand, we understand the dangers and will try to balance the two,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his cabinet in broadcast remarks. MORE

Russians take to streets in thousands to oppose corruption

Russia ProtestPolice in Moscow detained 933 of the 7,000 people they said thronged Tverskaya street, Moscow’s main street, according to OVD-Info, an organisation that tracks police arrests. Among those held was Alexei Navalny, the anti-corruption activist and would-be presidential candidate who called for the rallies. Organisers said 20,000 to 30,000 defied a police ban to take part in the demonstrations across Russia from St Petersburg in the north-west to Vladivostok in the far east. MORE

Sears Has Finally Admitted That It’s Dead

SEARSLast year, Donald Trump won the election for president by bemoaning the disappearance of the American factory and pledging to bring back manufacturing from other countries.

Now in power, he might have to start worrying about the decline of another traditional pillar of the US economy — the American shopping mall. MORE

“New Mess” Will Not Include an Offertory or Canon in Any Form

OffertoryBasketsSacredHeartCamdenDear TRADITIO Fathers:

The Devil is always more ambitious and clever than we can imagine. One way in which Francis-Bergoglio will decimate Newchurch is by destroying the concept of the Mass as the center of prayer. I do not refer here to the status of the “New Mass” as being an invalid Non-Mass. Newchurchers at least falsely believe it to be a valid Mass — if they think about it at all. That false belief does keep some older Newchurchers and Neocons attached to what they fancy to be the Catholic Faith. Continue reading

The Day of the Lord and the Signs of His Coming

Why is it taught by Christians? “No one knows when the end will come.” The end in this case being the beginning of our lives with Christ after the general judgment for those who go to Heaven with Him.

First we have those who quote Jesus out of context. “But the day and the hour no one knows….but the Father only.”

Hello! But Jesus never said that the Father would never reveal this truth. In fact all three persons of the Trinity do reveal it as Sunday by exposing this truth to St. John in the book of the Apocalypse 1:10. (1) Continue reading

Insight into the Catholic Faith presents the Catholic Tradition Newsletter

1362674110Vol 10 Issue 12 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
March 25, 2017 ~ Feast of the Annunciation

1. Is the Chair of Peter Vacant? An Argument for Sedevacantism
2. Laetare Sunday
3. Saints Castulus and Felix
4. Family and Marriage
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader:
I was listening to a report where in a public high school in Maryland there were admitted 18 year old young men who just entered illegally into the United States and raped a young fourteen year old girl. Continue reading

The Economic Contributions given by Catholic Culture

wpid-SF_313_Patrick_StThis is my response to all the Catholic bashers who consistently want to find fault with Catholic Culture.

In this letter I’m focusing on the economic business contributions that Catholic culture contributes to our economy. I’m leaving out schools, hospital’s and the like.

Starting with January 1 and New Years Day

New years day on January 1 comes from Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII.

I could not find a monetary figure of the spending done on New Years Eve so I estimated the spending to be around 15 billion dollars.

Valentine’s Day is estimate to be around 20 billion dollars.

St. Patrick’s Day I’m estimating it to be about 3 billion dollars.

Mardi Gras, I’m estimating this to be around 50 million dollars.

Easter Sunday, estimating it to be about 5 billion dollars.

Halloween, is estimated to be about 5.9 billion dollars.

And the biggest money spender of them all, Christmas. The estimated spending for Christmas for 2016 is put at ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

So these Catholic bashers who are laughing all the way to the bank should move to some communist country and live in their own dream world.

In Christ, Joseph

Insight into the Catholic Faith presents the ~ Catholic Tradition Newsletter

Bartolomé_Esteban_Perez_Murillo_003Vol 10 Issue 11 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
March 18, 2017 ~ Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, opn.

1. Is the Chair of Peter Vacant? An Argument for Sedevacantism
2. Third Sunday in Lent
3. Saint Joseph (Transferred to March 20 this year)
4. Family and Marriage
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader:
Next Saturday the Church celebrates the anniversary of the Incarnation. There are three feasts that Holy Mother Church uses since this event, the Incarnation, is the center of the history of salvation. Continue reading

Sister Lucy to become a Saint Soon?

LUCThe stage is set for Rome’s inter-faith ecumenism Gospel. This is working out beautifully for AntiChrist Francis, even for the consecration of Russia since he plans to be in Fatima on May 13th for the hundredth year anniversary. This in turn will cause a worldwide frenzy among most of the Catholic groups throughout the world to fall into the, “The Great Apostasy” one world humanist gospel of AntiChrist. Once this happens it should not be difficult to date set Easter in April to satisfy the Jews & Orthodox faiths and set up the inter-faith calendar.  Even SSPX will follow suite since Fatima is their Gospel of truth.