Starving for the Truth?

This priest may be novus ordo but his sermon was brilliant. Hope some of the Traditional Fathers can help him make the change.

Few priests have risen to the challenges of these desperate times like Fr. James Altman.  Fr. Altman is a parish priest from La Crosse, Wisconsin. His work was recently featured in a column at LifeSite News entitled “There are many weak, cowardly ordained men and then there are ones like this whom we MUST listen.”MORE & VIDEO

Beheading St. John the Baptist August 29

Father Kevin O’ Sullivan commentaries 1957,
St. John the Baptist, Elias and God’s Kingdom

When John the Bap­tist appeared at the Jordan river, pro­claiming that the kingdom of God was at hand (cf. Mt. 3:1-12; Mk. 1:2-8; Lk. 3:2-18) the Jews flocked to hear him. The expectation of the Promised Re­deemer, the Messias, was strong at this time, and here was a Prophet announcing his proximate arrival and calling on the people to repent of their sins in order to be prepared to receive him.

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Catholic Tradition News Letter B35: Holy Eucharist, 12th Sunday after Pentecost, St Rose of Lima

Vol 13 Issue 35 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier                                August 29, 2020 ~ Beheading of John the Baptist

1.      What is the Holy Eucharist
2.      Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
3.      Saint Rose of Lima
4.      Family and Marriage
5.      Articles and notices
Dear Reader:

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