Then St. Peter drew his sword

For all of us who remember that all the Apostles ran away and St. Peter later denied he knew the Lord, most have forgotten how he was willing to die and fight for the Lord at the time they came to arrest him. MORE

John 18:10 Then Simon Peter drew his sword and struck the … The servant’s name was Malchus. … Simon Peter, however, having a sworddrew it, and, aiming at the High Priest’s servant, cut off his right ear. The servant’s name …

April Fools’ Day: Origin and History

Updated March 16, 2021 | David Johnson and Shmuel Ross and some of Joseph’s Biblical research.

The uncertain origins of a foolish day –
Related Links – History of the Gregorian calendar –Calendar and HolidaysEquinoxFranceHistory of the New Year

April Fools’ Day, sometimes called All Fools’ Day, is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Its origins are uncertain. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar.

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Love Thy Neighbor, Except?…

It has taken me a few hours to diminish the anger that surfaced when I first saw these two pictures below.

As readers will note I have taken exception to the lack of strong leadership from the church during this COVID crisis.  During a time when fellowship is most needed, most urgently needed, many churches are collapsing under their own fear.  This is not a good outcome. MORE

Asian discrimination is a U.S. Tradition, lacking of U. S. History here

If you remember that even during the Gold Rush days in California many Asians lost their property rights. It was the building of the railroad tracks that kept it from getting worse. Here you have  President Wilson in the “The Immigration Act of 1917” curtailing Asians from coming into the U.S. only to be overturned by Congress. Americans need to refresh themselves on U.S. History and stop making all these stupid and false accusations in the name of discrimination. It was from the beginning with many different Races and Religions.
Joseph B. Saraceno

This Palm Sunday, March 28th, starts the week of the creation of our World

Around 25 years ago I was using the 1st day of Spring as the first day of the creation, not realizing I needed the Passover Spring FULL MOON. (I included this with my 22 now 23 mysteries of the faith that I give to the Catholic world). Adam was created on Good Friday. I guess you could add this to another reason we call it GOOD FRIDAY. So here you have the people of Jerusalem cheering and glorifying the Lord as he rides into town and little did they know it was the week in which they began their existence. Ex: 12. The reading on Good Friday, and Holy Saturday Gen: 1, is the Scriptural source with the Passover tradition.

There isn’t anything in the scriptures that can tell us when God made Eve, or how long they lived in the garden of paradise before they were expelled.

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