‘They Should Be Eradicated’: Sociologists Reveal Shocking Results of ‘Christianophobia’ Research — and a Cautionary Warning for Conservative Bible-Believers

bible3Sociologists at the University of North Texas are issuing a cautionary warning to Christians noting that, though there isn’t widespread “Christianophonia” in the U.S., the small group of those who have a strong aversion to conservative believers are among the influential and elite. MORE

Intense explosions accompanied by volcanic ash at Japanese Sakurajima volcano

sakurajimaJMA reported that three explosions from Showa Crater at Aira Caldera’s Sakurajima volcano ejected tephra as far as 800 m during January 19 – 23.

Incandescence from the crater was visible at night on January 22. Inflation continued to be detected.

Tokyo VAAC reported that on January 23 plumes rose to altitudes of 3 – 4.9 km a.s.l. and drifted SE. During January 24 – 27 plumes rose to altitudes of 1.8 – 3 km a.s.l. and drifted SE, E, NE, and N. MORE

VIDEO: Bizarre Super Bowl Weather Forecast – ‘Get Out While You Can!’

Super_Bowl_WeatherWith a ‘Super Bowl’ halftime performance by the illuminati’s Katy Perry telling everyone the halftime show will be ‘flaming hot’ as shared in the 2nd video below and a ‘false flag nuclear attack upon the Super Bowl’ conspiracy theories getting a lot of attention across the internet as shared in the 3rd video below, was this ‘weather forecast’ just a joke or a warning to others about something sinister that is about to occur? The weatherman and news crew certainly seem to have a sense of humor about this… MORE

VIDEO: New NATO Command Centers Send Message to Putin

NATOPUThis transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

I … as violence continues to reach in eastern Ukraine … NATO is taking new measures to contain the threat of an aggressive Russia … the alliance will established command centers in six of its eastern member countries … of the organization’s five thousand troops rapid response force … MORE

Catholic Restoration?

catholicLike most traditional Catholic groups the real truth is being suppressed. The truth of the matter is that John XXIII was the puppet and precursor of the first AntiChrist Paul VI. The “Man of Sin.”  The line of popes ended officially on November 19 1969 when Paul VI rejected the “Ottaviani Intervention.” and all the Traditional groups in the world. This action started the Reign of the “Great Apostasy.”  The Great Apostasy lasts about 40 to 50 years and brings Christ back on Pentecost Sunday.. There will never be another true Pope. Most groups want to reverse the Vatican II Council and bring back a True Pope. That’s Impossible.  They do have valid sacraments and as long as they are not taking away your free will, it’s O.K. to go too their Churches. Just take the truth there with you,

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Pat Buchanan – Hollywood playing a dangerous game

PBAAll right: It’s about time Pat spoke up. He’s also taking a second look at these V-2 popes, thanks to Francis. Better late than never.

In July of 1870, King Wilhelm sent Foreign Minister Bismarck an account of his meeting with a French envoy who had demanded that the king renounce any Hohenzollern claim to the Spanish throne. Bismarck edited the report to make it appear the Frenchman had insulted the king, and that Wilhelm rudely dismissed him. MORE

Belarusian leader issues tough warning to Moscow

Alexander LukashenkoNew cracks emerged Thursday in a Russia-led economic alliance, with the president of Belarus warning that his nation may opt out of it.

Alexander Lukashenko also sternly warned Moscow Thursday that his nation of 10 million will never be part of the “Russian world,” a term coined by the Kremlin that reflects its hopes to pull ex-Soviet nations closer into its orbit. MORE

Incredible, Edible Weeds

1There’s plenty of fresh, free food all around us in this garden of Eden. Nature provides all that we need. And to be quite honest, I would rather eat this stuff than what is passing as food and produce in the markets today. The chemicals used to grow it are cancer causing. It’s DNA has been altered so it is not what it once was.

So here’s a list of common weeds and their healthy benefits. Continue reading

VIDEO: Homemade Water Distiller – DIY – Stove Top “Pure Water” Still – EASY instructions!

distilledHomemade Water Distiller. This Stove Top “pure water” Still is great for purifying dirty or salt water. produces lots of pure drinking water fast. can be powered by stove, rocket stove campfire, parabolic dish etc. easy to make. cost $20.00. (i’ve seen these being sold for $180.00 – just make it yourself). great for everyday use or SHTF/emergency situation. notes: do not use a plastic collection vessel – it will melt/warp (not to mention BPA). Remember not to touch the copper pipe. it gets super hot. finally, the bigger the glass jar that you use – the larger amount of water vapor you can collect (at a given time). Also, don’t try to seal it. some water vapor needs to escape or high pressure would build up very fast. MORE


blkwtrFor months now families are complaining about black and smelly water pouring from their faucets, toilets, and showers in a Southern California community just south of Los Angeles.

“We don’t want to drink our water, because our water is black,” said Emy Sebastian, a citizen of Gardena California. “My daughter says, ‘Mommy the water is black and it stinks. Why does the water stink?’ She doesn’t want to wash her clothes.” MORE