CA drought bare: Photos show how reservoir is almost COMPLETELY dry as NASA is brought in to help with the crisis

droughtThe severity of California’s current drought has been realized by the release of two NASA pictures of Folsom Lake and the desolation it has suffered in just two and a half years.
The reservoir, located northeast of Sacremento, California, can be seen almost full on July 20, 2011, measuring a capacity of 97 percent. But in a shot taken just last month, the lake had a capacity of just 17 percent. LINK

Hundreds of Anne Frank Books Vandalized in Japan

Ann Frank diary’s Vandalized in Japan++Presbyterian Church Clashes with Jews. Seems ever since Iran has turned the other cheek, the Jews started to lose their credibility?
Hundreds of copies of “Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl” and other books related to her have been vandalized at public libraries across Tokyo. New actions by the Presbyterian Church (USA) drew praise from advocates for Palestinians but threaten already-tense relations between Presbyterians and Jews. LINK

Return of the Polar Vortex going northeast?

Another bout of painfully cold Arctic air is on its way to the northern United States, reviving talk of what has become popularly known as the “polar vortex.” By Thursday, temperatures will have dropped to as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit (17 degrees Celsius) below the average temperature for this time of the year, meteorologists say, LINK

Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion

time-pope-francisIs Pope Francis taking steps that are laying the groundwork for the emergence of a one world religion?  If that question sounds quite bizarre to you, I urge you to read the rest of this article.  We live at a time when globalization is advancing rapidly.  The global economy is more integrated than it has ever been before, and with each passing year new economic treaties tie us even more closely together.  And “global governance” (as the elite like to call it) is also steadily gaining ground. LINK

OMEN: Lighting up the sky! Dragon’s head appears from magical Northern Lights in the Arctic Circle

dragons headWith their vivid colours and swirling shapes, the northern lights are already considered one of the most magical sights to see. But this might just be the most enchanting sight yet – the image of a dragon’s head appearing as the Northern Lights dance across the night sky.  The ghostly shape of the mythical creature was formed out of swathes of green as the lights appeared in the Arctic Circle. LINK

They have injected you and you don’t know it?

mosquitoThis Is Not A Mosquito!! Look closely………………..Incredible

Is this a mosquito? No. It’s an insect spy drone for urban areas, already in production, funded by the US Government. It can be remotely controlled and is equipped with a camera and a microphone. It can land on you, and it may have the potential to take a DNA sample or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your skin. LINK


Pope to Copeland“The Catholic and Charismatic Renewal is the hope of the Church,” exclaims Anglican Episcopal Bishop Tony Palmer, before a group of cheering followers at the Kenneth Copeland Ministries.   Palmer said those words are from the Vatican. Before playing the video message from Pope Francis to Kenneth Copeland, Palmer told the crowd,  “When my wife saw that she could be Catholic, and Charismatic, and Evangelical, and Pentecostal, and it was absolutely accepted in the Catholic Church, she said that she would like to reconnect her roots with the Catholic culture. So she did.” LINK

ISRAEL SURRENDERING HOLY SITE TO VATICAN? Report: Delegation ‘presses for control’ during ‘secret’ meeting

last supperIsrael could be entering the final stages of negotiations to turn over control of Mount Zion to the Vatican, according to a report by Israel National News.According to the online news source, a secretive meeting took place this week between the Jerusalem Municipality, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Tourism and senior Catholic officials.

During the meeting, the Catholic delegation reportedly pressed Israel to follow through on a years-old proposal to give the Church control over the compound that houses the traditional “Hall of the Last Supper.”