It hurts me to tell you the sad situation we find ourselves with the status of the church and society today. The Vatican II council compromised our Faith and has brought us into “The Great Apostasy,” (schism) Spoken of by St. Paul the Apostle and other Apostles. This new church teaches that one can be saved in Any Religion and that the Catholic Religion is not the only means of salvation. Other changes included the Bible, changed, Isaias 7:14, prophecy from a “VIRGIN shall conceive, to a young woman with child,” casting doubt not only on Our Lady’s Virginity but on the Divinity of Our Lord. Found in, The American, Ignatius & Oxford Bibles. The changed Mass. “Go out from Her my people, for Her Sins have reached even into Heaven.” Heaven on earth is the Mass and the Church. Apocalypse 18:4-5. Sources listed on my end times web site. These are just a few of the changes stemming from the council.
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