“The Christian in the End Times” – Taken from the writers of the “Oratory Catechism”

catechismThe “Oratory Catechism” is a question-and-answer book which provides an overview of Catholic dogma and in a special section, “The Christian in the End Times”, describes the current situation of the Church and the Faith. The following will first give a general introduction to the Catechism and then offer a look at the table of contents. The End Times – A Time of Decision.
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Eastern New churchers Go into Schism from “The Dictator [New]pope” Francis-Bergoglio They Forcibly Block His Illegitimate Newapostolic Administrator and Prevent Him from Turning Their Altars Around

December 1, 2022 – Ferial Day of Advent

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Thousands of Eastern-rite Newchurchers Gather
To Protest Francis-Bergoglio’s Sacrilegious Attempt
To Turn Their Altars around to Face the Congregation
They Forcibly Block Bergoglio’s Newapostolic Administrator
From Entering the Precincts of St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica
And Send Him Packing back to His Residence
The Cathedral’s Vicar then Proceeded to Celebrate
The Divine Liturgy in the Traditional Way
Schism Has Broken out in the East
Against “The “Dictator [New]Pope]” Bergoglio
Just as It Has in Germany

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The true definition of 666 in the book of Revelation

When referring to the Jews, the Jews are associated with their 6 days of creation teachings and they are known as the religion of 6 plus 1. The seventh day is the rest day, the Sabbath. Now in the Jewish religion, (from which we come) the promise of the Messiah is a reflection of the Sabbath. Seven days are the perfect week, therefore, when the Messiah comes into the world,

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Sedevacantism By Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI.org

Sedevacantism is the theological position of those traditional Catholics who most certainly believe in the papacy, papal infallibility and the primacy of the Roman Pontiff, and yet do not recognize “Pope” Francis [Edit. note: at the time this article was written, it was Benedict XVI] as a legitimate successor of Peter in the primacy. In other words, they do not recognize him as a true pope. The word sedevacantism is a compound of two Latin words which together mean “the Chair is vacant.” Despite the various arguments raised against this position — that it is based on a false expectation that the pope can do no wrong, or that it is an emotional reaction to the problems in the Church — the sedevacantist position is founded on the Catholic doctrines of the infallibility and the indefectibility of the Church and on the theological opinion of the great Doctor of the Church, St. Robert Bellarmine.

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