“The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth.” – St. Thomas Aquinas



Dear friends of the Faith.
This is the position of my website.

Pope Leo XIII “Unity of the Church” 1896.” “Encyclical “Satis Cognitum”  “it is as wrong to divide the Church as to fall into heresy.”

In as much as there are different opinions among the Traditional Fathers on the status of the church today, It’s safe to say that after 50 years no agreements are going to be reached among the Fathers before the coming of  the Lord. We must and should understand that. With this in mind, it’s everyone’s responsibility to stop attacking one another out of pain of MORTAL SIN. Whatever differences we may have among ourselves let’s keep it that way, unless we can discuss them in the spirit of charity and in no way can they be allowed to divide us. Our enemy is the Vatican II Council and all who are promoting it. Along with this secular liberal Democracy, giving us the Beast of the Apocalypse.

It has been my experience that Traditional Catholics enjoy a harmonious relationship once they become aware of the following realities and God will increase our Blessings which we need to protect us in the few years ahead.

1. We are living in the Great Apostasy spoken of by St. Paul the Apostle.
2. The Vatican II Anti Christs have taken over the chair of St. Peter and will possess it until Christ returns.
3. There will never be another True Pope.
4. Christ will be back in the Generation of the Great Apostasy. Matt.24:34.
5. The general testimonial & judgment day starts on Pentecost Sunday and ends on the eve of Trinity Sunday. After the Great Biblical Chastisement.

1. The Heresies stemming from the Vatican II Council.
2. Cultism, elevating private revelations and their messages above the Apostles and the Divine doctrinal teachings of the Church.
3. Lack of Biblical knowledge and study.
4. Mortal Sin.


God bless you and see you on that last Testimonial Judgment day.
In Christ, Joseph B. D. Saraceno

St. Valentine the priest

There’s a lot of confusion, actually, about St. Valentine, whose feast we celebrate Friday.


The most popular legend places Valentine near Rome in the third century, during the reign of the Emperor Claudius III (nicknamed Claudius the Cruel).  According to the story, Claudius sought to expand the Roman Empire and so needed a strong army to conquer new settlements.  He was having trouble getting soldiers to join his military forces; and Claudius believed that this was because young men were unwilling to leave their wives and families.  Therefore, the Emperor banned all marriages and engagements in Rome. (For Solders)

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The politics of blasphemy: Why Pakistan and some other Muslim countries are passing new blasphemy laws.

Some of these countries are using these laws to persecute Christians.

Published: February 6, 2023 8:27am EST

People gather around the body of a man who was killed when an enraged mob stoned him to death for allegedly desecrating the Quran, in eastern Pakistan in February 2022. AP Photo/Asim Tanveer

On Jan. 17, 2023, Pakistan’s National Assembly unanimously voted to expand the country’s laws on blasphemy, which carries the death penalty for insulting the Prophet Muhammad. The new law now extends the punishment to those deemed to have insulted the prophet’s companions, which could include thousands of early Muslims, with 10 years in prison or life imprisonment.

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A preparation for our New Year’s Resolutions

We are one year farther away from baptism & one year closer to judgment

Examine 2024 before our New Year’s Resolutions

It is always prudent to examine our past as we start off the New Year.

Were we judgmental before knowing all of the facts?

Were you aware that foolishness is sinful?

How much gossip where we involved in?

Were we honest with ourselves in 2024?

How much charity did we express among Catholics?

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U.K. Bans Puberty Blockers for Gender-Confused Children Indefinitely

Transgender rights supporters protest in favor of Scottish gender reform bill outside Downing Street in London, Britain, January 21, 2023.(Henry Nicholls/Reuters)



December 11, 2024 4:38 PM

The United Kingdom on Wednesday indefinitely banned puberty-blocking drugs as a treatment for minors with gender dysphoria, except in clinical trials, due to an “unacceptable safety risk.”

Twenty-Two Mysteries of Faith given to Catholics from 1973 to 2021 Publicly. Are now Twenty-three


1. Christ will come back on SUNDAY (Middle East Time) Apoc.1:10 & Tradition

2. On that last Pentecost Sunday. Apoc. 14:14. & Tradition.

3. The General Judgment lasts a Week. Apoc. 17:11. (7 & 8 The symbol for Pentecost) Tradition. As did the week of the creation.

4 + 5. The Vatican II Council in the book of the Apocalypse: 9:1, 13:5, 16:13, 17:4-8, 18:4-5 & 2 Tim. 4:3. (pope John XXIII opens up the gates of Hell. Apoc. 9:1)6 + 7. Name the “Man of Sin,” as Paul VI. 2 Thess. 2, For her SINS have reached unto Heaven, (The Mass is Heaven on earth.) Apoc: 18:5. 

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U.S. obesity epidemic 

Lily HermanA morning digest from Yahoo News
by Jessica Roy with Anthony RivasGood morning, all. It’s Friday, Nov. 15, and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is back at the top of the charts. Now, on to the news.
Note, I pointed out that the Catholic Church helped this obesity when it did away with the traditional Fish on Fridays.
Need to knownew study that looked into the U.S. obesity epidemic predicted that 260 million Americans could be obese or overweight by 2050.  The study: It noted that obesity among U.S. adults and older teens has doubled in the last three decades. Being overweight and obese are among the fastest-growing risk factors for early death. Study co-author Dr. Marie Ng said the U.S. is at a “crisis point.”Potential solutions: Ng said that while demand for weight loss drugs may increase, they’re “not a silver bullet,” and called for more focus on prevention, starting with pregnancy and infant feeding practices, healthier school meals and nutrition regulations. [CNN]

More Apocalyptic Weather

Spain is enduring its worst flooding disaster in decades, with at least 95 people dead and dozens more missing, after huge rains swept the eastern province of Valencia and beyond. Torrential rain on Tuesday triggered flash floods which swept away bridges and buildings and forced people to climb on to roofs or cling to trees to survive.

Spain battles deadliest flooding disaster in decades as death … – B…


The Christian Movement That Is Threatening Our Democracy

There is, of late in the news media that a Christian majority would become a threat to Democracy.

Duh, democracy means government ruled by the people. In the 13 original colonies each one of them had Jesus in their constitutions. There was no persecution of people who were not Christian anywhere. Why would it be different today? And if anything, it was those Christians who gave us Democracy in the first place.

Christ’s Return and the Beast of the Apocalypse

Two booklets reveal the names of the AntiChrists (more than one) and the False Prophets plus information about the Week of the Testimonial General Judgment during which Christ will return. 1999 Nihil Obstat by Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O. P.  R.I.P on the Parousia Booklet. On the Second Coming of Christ booklet on page one I foretell the increase of natural disasters as we get closer to His coming. Send $20.00 post paid total to get both booklets with documents. Add $5.00 for overseas

to:Joseph B.D. Saraceno17024 S. Western Ave # 8Gardena, Ca, 90247-5215www.catholicendtimetruths.com

Only by God’s mercy that I survived’: Hajj became a death march for 1,300 in extreme heat
