VIDEO: Pope Francis calls abortion activist a ‘great’ woman

emma-boninoIn an interview on February 8, 2016, with one of Italy’s most prominent dailies,Corriere Della Serra, Pope Francis praised Italy’s leading proponent of abortion – Emma Bonino — as one of the nation’s “forgotten greats,”comparing her to great historical figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman.

At 27, Bonino had an illegal abortion and then worked with the Information Centre on Sterilization and Abortion which boasted over 10,000 abortions. There are famous photos of Bonino performing illegal abortions using a homemade device operated by a bicycle pump.  Arrested for the then-illegal activity she spent a few days in jail and was acquitted and entered politics. MORE & VIDEO-Accepting award from her dear friend George Soro’s

U.S. Air Force paid to have cadets learn witchcraft

WITCHFinancial donations made to the U.S. Air Force Academy chapel later were used for cadets to participate in “witchcraft, ‘Faery Magick,’ and voodoo,” according to a new report from one of the leading Washington watchdog organizations.

Judical Watch, which has fought for the public’s right to know how government money is spent, including when then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went profligate with $100,000 plus for in-flight treats, said it has obtained documents from the academy revealing in 2014 and 2015, the military school used its “Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund” for some pretty exotic expenditures.

The funds were used for worship services featuring witchcraft, the “Faery Magick,” voodoo and more, including a trip from cadets to a Wiccan festival in Denver and a Denver Witches Ball, the report said. MORE

Iranian reformists will win all 30 parliamentary seats

VOTEIRTEHRAN, Iran — Iranian reformists appear have won all 30 seats representing the nation’s capital in parliament, a definitive rebuke to the hard-liners opposing President Hassan Rouhani’s efforts to open the economy and cooperate with the West.

In the first elections held since last year’s nuclear deal, none of Iran’s three main political camps — reformists, conservatives and hard-liners — is expected to win an outright majority in the 290-seat parliament, but early results indicate the best reformist showing in more than a decade. MORE

Mohammedan Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Has Called out Francis

com1602zbGrand Imam Knows the Bible Better than Francis-Bergoglio. Mohammedan Leader Chastises Christian Leaders Who Sell out to “Gay Marriage

The Mohammedan Grand Imam of al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt, Amhed al Tayeb, on February 24, 2016, asked the question that Francis-Bergoglio refuses to answer: “What will the heads of churches in that accept gay marriage say to Jesus?” The Grand Imam went on: “The West is spreading homosexuality, and unfortunately some heads of churches [e.g., Francis-Bergoglio] accept same-sex marriages. I wonder what is left of the Bible in those churches. And what will they say in front of Jesus Christ?” In so saying, the Grand Imam showed himself more in tune with Christianity that its Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio! Continue reading

Are Tissier and Galarreta Turning against Fellay?

com1602zcBernie Fellay’s only two remaining bishops in the Neo-Society of St. Pius X, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais and Alfonso de Galarreta, are starting to waver in their loyalty to Fellay and may soon jump ship to join Bishop Richard Williamson in the loosely-bound independent group known as the Traditional Catholic Resistance. In January 2016 these two NSSPX bishops, particularly Tissier de Mallerais, have in 2016 made hardline statements that are opposed to Fellay’s overtures to selling out the NSSPX to the Newchurch of the New Order. MORE

Why top Vatican cardinal will now testify about sex abuse in Australia

One of the highest-ranking Vatican officials is being compelled to testify in public starting Sunday about clerical sex abuse, an unusual demonstration of holding even the most senior Catholic bishops accountable.

Cardinal George Pell, Pope Francis’ top financial adviser, will testify in a Rome hotel conference room for three nights running, answering questions via video link from Australia’s Royal Commission with his accusers on hand to confront him. MORE

Insight into the Catholic Faith presents ~ Catholic Tradition Newsletter

StPeterDamian“The Book of Gomorrah”

“For God’s sake, why do you damnable sodomites pursue the heights of ecclesiastical dignity with such fiery ambition?” St. Peter Damian

Vol 9 Issue 8 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
February 27, 2016 ~ Lenten Feria

1. Baptism: Means of Salvation (57)
2. Third Sunday in Lent
3. Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
4. Christ in the Home (32)
5. Articles and notices

Dear Reader: Continue reading

DOGMATIC Grounds for rejecting the NEW (Mass)

page1The CANONICAL, MORAL and DOGMATIC Grounds for rejecting the NEW (Mass) and Retaining the TRUE MASS.–1975

Now available, and back in print by yours truly. Written by Father Gommar DePauw R.I.P. a doctor of Canon Law who wrote and spearheaded the Traditional Catholic movement in late 60s. Thirty eight pages explaining why we must reject the new mass. Page 23 .

“Among the twenty-seven dogmatic reasons cited by Cardinal OTTAVIANI and BACCI as justification for rejecting the “New Order of the mass, “the Number Eleven, dealing with ” THE CHANGE IN FORMULATION,” calls for our special attention. Continue reading

Railroad workers lose jobs Coal-industry woes also taking a toll on Union Pacific

RAILUnion Pacific Railroad completed its latest round of furloughs in Grand Junction this week, leaving much of its crew charged with inspecting and maintaining locomotives and rail cars without paychecks.

According to Carl Smith, the SMART United Transportation Union’s Colorado legislative director, the cuts are the latest of many that have come in the last year. His organization represents some of the employees who have been furloughed by Union Pacific, and he said at least 147 workers have been furloughed in the state since July 2015. Most of those cuts have centered on two groups of workers — MORE

VIDEO: Laid Off Disney Worker Breaks Down in Tears Before Senate Panel

“During the holiday season of 2014, I was sent a meeting invitation by a prominent Disney executive. With an excellent review in hand along with company announcements of record profits my mind buzzed with thoughts of a promotion or a bonus,” Leo Perrero, the former Disney worker testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest. “I walked into a small conference room with about two dozen highly respected fellow IT workers. The Disney executive made a harsh announcement to us all.” MORE