Christ’s Return and the Beast of the Apocalypse

Two booklets reveal the names of the AntiChrists (more than one) and the False Prophets in “The Great Apostasy” booklet unlocking the book of the Apocalypse and documents on who opens the gates of hell in Apocalypse 9. The Apocalypse foretells the

 increase of natural disasters as we get closer to His coming, on that last week of the Testimonial General Judgment during which Christ will return after the great chastisement of fire which will be needed to protect the faithful remnant.

On the Second Coming of Christ booklet, I explain why the church points to Pentecost Sunday as the first day of Christs return, (Middle east time) and why the General Judgment lasts a week. Note, we do not get that last Pentecost Sunday here in the west it will be Saturday night here.Nihil Obstat by 

Bishop Robert F. McKenna, O. P. on the Parousia Booklet.

RIPSend $20.00 post paid total to get both booklets with documents. Add $5.00 for overseas

to:Joseph B.D. Saraceno17024 S. Western Ave # 8Gardena, Ca, 90247-5215         

U.K. Bans Puberty Blockers for Gender-Confused Children Indefinitely

Transgender rights supporters protest in favor of Scottish gender reform bill outside Downing Street in London, Britain, January 21, 2023.(Henry Nicholls/Reuters)



December 11, 2024 4:38 PM

The United Kingdom on Wednesday indefinitely banned puberty-blocking drugs as a treatment for minors with gender dysphoria, except in clinical trials, due to an “unacceptable safety risk.”

Heaven’s Gates are finally opened on Ascension 

Heaven’s Gates are finally opened on Ascension Thursday

Heaven having been closed now for about 4000 years is once again opened on  Ascension 


 “He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. 

FROM THENCE He shall come to judge the living and the dead.”

The Limbo of the Fathers called Paradise, (also referred to as “Abraham’s bosom.)                          and The Opening of Heaven a place and state of rest wherein the souls of the just who died before CHRIST’S ASCENSION were detained until he opened HEAVEN to them.

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What you will never hear from the pulpit

What you will never hear from the pulpit in regard to biblical teaching on Women’s Salvation and other Paradoxes.

Don’t get me wrong, the Church does make it clear that the main object of marriage is the pro-creation of children, and in one of my recent articles on the demise of the Christian Marriage, I explained how society goes against our wellbeing in this regard. As a result, women have had to become independent and provide for themselves more so than ever before.

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Pope, Anglican, and Presbyterian leaders denounce anti-gay laws.

Well, here you are faithful. Can you imagine Jesus Christ approving of same sex relations, in society? That would be paramount to the approval of Adultery. One of the Ten Commandments. let’s say that our society were to make ADULTRY legal among consensual adults, they who support same sex relations would have to approve consensual ADULTERY TOO. No?    Francis the AntiChrist? Paul the VI was the Man of Sin and you’re far out exceeding all the AntiChrists before you and it is written, whomever goes against the Holy Ghost cannot be forgiven. Which means they will not repent; this means all of these Vatican II popes are in HELL now and those who support them will suffer that same fate now and on Judgment Day. May the Lord have mercy on the confused Traditional Catholics who can’t see this TRUTH. Grace be with you, in Christ, Joseph B. D. Saraceno.

Pope, Anglican, and Presbyterian leaders denounce anti-gay laws
Feb 6, 2023 — ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (AP) — Pope Francis was backed by the ceremonial head of the Anglican Communion and top Presbyterian minister in …

Explaining Eschatology

Dear Friends of the faith.
First, I want to thank everyone for helping the Catholic Church survive in these END times.
For years it was assumed that the two witnesses of the book of the Apocalypse Enock & Elias would be coming back to preach before the second coming of Christ. One reason given is because they did not die. However, if this is true, then our Lady would have to come back to die as well because she went to heaven without dying. On the other hand, those who believe Enock, and Elias will come back are imitating the Jews who thought Elias would come back and he never did for them. Another problem with this theory is that all the Old Testament faithful went to Paradise until our Lord opened up heaven, once he opened up heaven, paradise was eliminated, and I doubt God made a special place for those two. I heard this theory St. Jerome put in the Breviary, and everyone just went along with it. I wasn’t aware St. Thomas Aquinas taught it as well.
Matthew 17:10-13 makes it very clear that our Lord states here that John the Baptist represented Elias at the time. “Then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them of John the Baptist.” Which some were not aware of this gospel teaching. Below which says.Then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them of John the Baptist. 

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Traditional Catholics and Private revelations in these Apocalyptic Times.

There is no such thing as NEW Divine Revelation.

All of the prophecies of the Bible in regard to the Great Apostasy, End Times and the AntiChrists all point to the Vatican II Council and these V-2 popes. So, any private revelations can’t tell us anything new. The paradox to this is we will know who they are when they get here.
It wasn’t our lady who told the world that the Rev. Billy Graham was the main false prophet in the Bible who worked with AntiChrist John Paul II for the new interfaith religion. It was the Holy Ghost and the Bible which I was able to interpret along with 21 other mysteries of the faith.What I am trying to explain to Catholics is that Satan is using our Lady and Venerables with their, private revelations from keeping you from the “Divine Revelations” of the Bible and especially the Book of the Apocalypse. Case in mind, the latest from the “Servants of Jesus and Mary” Fatima Center in Constable, New York, states in their recent newsletter. The third secret foretells the “Abolishment of Holy Mass” from the writings of Father Paul Kramer. Well, my dear children you find this truth in the Book of the Apocalypse, 18:5 and it’s been there for over two thousand years, along everything else that’s happening with our Church. For her Sins have reached unto Heaven. Heaven on earth is the Mass. The Vatican II Council in 13-5 to 7.You have pope John 23 in Apoc. 9 who opens the Gates of Hell, The Vatican II Council (1)
Then you have some of the Fathers using Our Lady of Fatima’s statement that, “In the End my Immaculate Heart will Triumph.” To indicate the return of a TRUE pope. Where the Bible tells us that the remnant few will be saved in the End. Not a reversal of the Vatican II Council. And if anything, the Church is protected in the wilderness by the faithful Bishops.

My dear Catholics, we as Catholics are bound by the “Deposit of Faith” which we have to believe in order to be Catholic. And they are, the Hierarchy, the BIBLE and Tradition. We are not bound by any private revelation, even those approved of by the Church.So, it’s stupid not to use the “Deposit of Faith,” when we have it on our side in the battle against Satan. None of these private revelations have brought unity among Traditional Catholics and they never will. Only when we use the “Deposit of faith,” will we have a better chance across the board.My friends, they have made Jesus just another prophet with these new Bibles they came out with. So, it’s easy now for all the other Religions to join with the Apostates and the sooner we start working together the more grace God will give us and make it more tolerable in our fight against the enemy. As the old saying goes, “make it easy on yourselves.” Let’s stop playing games with God and live up to our responsibility to what the Church teaches and that way we can die as Saints.
Grace be with you, in Christ, Joseph B. D. Saraceno    7-17-22 The 6th Sunday after Pentecost
1 The Apocalypse of St. John by Father Sylvester Berry 1921

“The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth.” – St. Thomas Aquinas


Dear friends of the Faith.
This is the position of my website.

Pope Leo XIII “Unity of the Church” 1896.” “Encyclical “Satis Cognitum”  “it is as wrong to divide the Church as to fall into heresy.”

In as much as there are different opinions among the Traditional Fathers on the status of the church today, It’s safe to say that after 50 years no agreements are going to be reached among the Fathers before the coming of  the Lord. We must and should understand that. With this in mind, it’s everyone’s responsibility to stop attacking one another out of pain of MORTAL SIN. Whatever differences we may have among ourselves let’s keep it that way, unless we can discuss them in the spirit of charity and in no way can they be allowed to divide us. Our enemy is the Vatican II Council and all who are promoting it. Along with this secular liberal Democracy, giving us the Beast of the Apocalypse.

It has been my experience that Traditional Catholics enjoy a harmonious relationship once they become aware of the following realities and God will increase our Blessings which we need to protect us in the few years ahead.

1. We are living in the Great Apostasy spoken of by St. Paul the Apostle.
2. The Vatican II Anti Christs have taken over the chair of St. Peter and will possess it until Christ returns.
3. There will never be another True Pope.
4. Christ will be back in the Generation of the Great Apostasy. Matt.24:34.
5. The general testimonial & judgment day starts on Pentecost Sunday and ends on the eve of Trinity Sunday. After the Great Biblical Chastisement.

1. The Heresies stemming from the Vatican II Council.
2. Cultism, elevating private revelations and their messages above the Apostles and the Divine doctrinal teachings of the Church.
3. Lack of Biblical knowledge and study.
4. Mortal Sin.


God bless you and see you on that last Testimonial Judgment day.
In Christ, Joseph B. D. Saraceno


Don’t forget to wear some red this Pentecost Sunday

NOVENA (Start Novena nine days prior to Feast of Pentecost)

On my knees before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses I offer myself, soul and body to Thee O Eternal Spirit of God.  I adore the brightness of Thy purity the unerring keenness of Thy justice and the might of Thy love.  Thou art the Strength and Light of my soul.  In Thee I live move and am.  I desire never to grieve Thee by unfaithfulness to grace and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against Thee.  Mercifully guard my every thought and grant that I may always watch for Thy light and listen to Thy voice and follow Thy gracious inspirations.  I cling to thee and give myself to Thee and ask Thee by thy compassion to watch over me in my weakness.  Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus and looking at His Five Wounds and trusting in His Precious Blood and adoring His opened Side and stricken Heart I implore Thee Adorable Spirit Helper of my infirmity, so to keep me in Thy grace that I may never sin against Thee.  Give me grace
O Holy Ghost, Spirit of the Father and of the Son to say to Thee always and everywhere “Speak Lord for Thy servant heareth.”  Amen.  ( This prayer to be recited daily during the Novena)

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Easter, Ascension Thursday, Pentecost and Parousia

The Case for the Ascension of Christ – Pastor Brian Chilton
The Descent of the Holy Ghost by Titian Photograph by Jozef Sedmak | Pixels

Christ’s death and Resurrection begins the work of Our Redemption, but Christ’s work is incomplete, 1 (666) as Heaven needs to be opened and the Birth of the Church needs to be propagated.
  Heaven having been closed now for about 4000 years is once again opened on Ascension Thursday. “He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; FROM THENCE He shall come to judge the living and the dead.”  2

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Traditional Fathers turn a blind Eye to the Great Apostasy & Christ’s Return

French Diocesan Priests Call Faithful to join SSPX Rosary Crusade -  OnePeterFive

Remember SSPX last Rosary Crusade. As of May 23, 2014, over 1 million rosaries have been turned in within the USA District of SSPX for the SSPX’s 5-million Rosary Crusade: 1,126,403 to be exact. As I recall this was done was when Benedict XVI was in office. If you would be so kind to observe what transpired after these millions of Rosaries. We had Benedict XVI resign and the election of AntiChrist Francis, O.K. but isn’t this like going from the frying pan into the fire?

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