Novena to the Holy Ghost. – Begins today.

Hi Everyone,

A reminder that Mass this Sunday 5/28 – WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE ASCENSION – will be at 9:00 AM.
Attached is the Novena to the Holy Ghost.  It begins TODAY.  The nine days of this prayer are noted in your calendars.
God Bless you all,

Holy Spirit Novena Prayers

Novena to the Holy Spirit Day 1


Let us bow down in humility at the power and grandeur of the Holy Spirit. Let us worship the Holy Trinity and give glory today to the Paraclete, our Advocate. Continue reading

Our Lady Help of Christians Garden Grove , CA.

May 21, 2017 Fifth Sunday after Easter
Even though Joseph mentioned that Heaven was
Opened after 4000 years this day, none of the Fathers
gave a sermon in the three Mass’s. However, what
may be unknown to them someone had it listed in
the bulletin from the previous Sunday
 * * * * *
glorious wounds to God. he is …always living to make
intercession for us,” and has obtained for us the Holy
Ghost, with all His gifts

Melania Trump reveals she is Catholic

Melania reminds me of Sophia Loren from the movie El Cid.

When Melania Trump recited The Lord’s Prayer before a Melbourne, Florida presidential rally in February, the Internet went hog wild.

Now we know one reason why the first lady began with ‘Let us pray’ and ‘Our Father who art in heaven’ when she introduced the president that evening: She’s a practicing Roman Catholic.

Her spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham confirmed that to on Wednesday, hours after Pope Francis blessed a rosary for her at the Vatican. MORE


Some facts on the New Mass of 1969 from Traditional Catholics in India:

Paul VI found the traditional Mass too Catholic and directed that it had to replicate the Calvinist Communion Service as revealed by his confidant, Jean Guitton;
The New Mass closely replicates the 1959 Communion Service of the Protestant “Church of South India;”
The New Mass never had an Offertory.  Preparation of the Gifts is one of the 18 blessings taken from the Talmud, reference, REAL STORY OF THE OFFERTORY’S REPLACEMENT


The Fatima message started off with a request of amendment of life and devotion to her Immaculate Heart.

The Fatima message started off with a request of amendment of life and devotion to her Immaculate Heart.
Once again, In adhering to our Lady’s request of prayer and penance,  the current trend that unless “all of Our Lady’s requests are implemented,” all is in vain in obtaining restoration in the Church and in the world. But that’s the problem. It has been in vain because Our Lady’s requests have been rejected by the Church and the world in general. Adding to the confusion was Pope John XXIII refusal to disclose the Fatima secret in 1960, then two years later we had the opening of the (gates of Hell) Vatican II Council,
in Apocalypse 9.

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VIDEO: An Italian rock band in the Bible and Perry Como’s song Till the End of Time

For your humor.  – There is an Italian rock band in the Bible called the “Caesarea Miracles,” directed by a centurion called Cornelius.
Acts 10:1
And believe it or not. As most of you know, I have been preaching the End of Times for the last 47 years. The song, “Till the End of Time,” was made famous by Perry Como in the 50’s.  (Video of Perry Como is at the continued page.) The music comes from one of Schubert’s serenades, but the words comes from a friend I met in the late 50’s, named, “Ted Mossman,” Some of the guys I was working with used to get something to eat and drink after work at about 9 pm at night. This restaurant we stopped in was called “Tiny Naylors”, they also had a cocktail lounge. Ted got hired there to play in the Lounge. He had one of those pianos that had other instrument sounds so that it sounded like a little band. So once or twice a week we would go in there to eat drink and sing,

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VIDEO: ‘Your soul will be fully condemned!’ Trump’s Saudi speech warns terrorists

Donald Trump insisted in a speech addressing global ‘Islamic extremism’ that Muslim leaders must scare would-be terrorists into submission, warning them about the impact suicide bombings will have on their immortal souls.

‘Religious leaders must make this absolutely clear: Barbarism will deliver you no glory – piety to evil will bring you no dignity,’ Trump said in a sumptuous Saudi ballroom that put Mar-a-Lago to shame. MORE