Editor’s Letter
Dear Readers of The Reign of Mary, Praised be Jesus and Mary!
As the year 2006 comes to a close, it is customary to take a look back at the important events of the year and to examine their significance in our lives. For traditional Catholics, this year wil] be remembered for the number of traditional priests who have passed into eternity during this time. In the last issue of The Reign of Mary, we commended to your prayers the departed souls of Fr. Francis LeBlanc (September 28) and Fr. James Wathen (November 7). We now add to this list of departed priests Fr. Eugene Heidt (October 20) and Fr. Lawrence Brey (November 21). Those who have known elderly priests (who pre-date Vatican Council II) will agree that it is a wonderful experience to hear them speak of their early struggles after Vatican II to keep the true Faith and to preserve the Latin Mass and the traditional sacraments. How many of them faced tremendous pressure to either follow the modernist changes or find themselves “on the street” without any financial support!
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