VIDEO: “Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists

This video is an examination of some of the most well-known “magicians” in the world. The video examines many of their “magic” acts. These acts are impossible for a human being to perform without the assistance of a spirit or spirits. The video also shows overwhelming evidence that connects many different “magicians” to demons. The video proves that these “magicians” are really sorcerers who use demonic power to perform their “tricks”.

VIDEO: International Military Review – Syria, Nov. 29, 2015

Russia is ready to coordinate practical steps to block the Turkish-Syrian border in cooperation with Damascus, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday after talks with his Syrian counterpart. Lavrov recalled that French President Francois Hollande earlier voiced same proposal. If Russia, Syria, France block the border, many terrorists groups in Syria, such as ISIS and al Nusra, will be cut from the supplies through Turkey.

7 dead in Texas and Kansas as wintry storm sweeps south-central U.S.

snow-midwestNovember 2015 – KANSAS – Flooding and wintry precipitation have led to at least seven deaths in Texas and Kansas as a storm system moves across the central Plains, authorities said Saturday. Four people died in single-vehicle accidents in Kansas, according to Lt. Adam Winters with the state’s Highway Patrol. He said all of the accidents could be attributed to black ice or hazardous road conditions. Flooding claimed at least three lives in the Dallas. MORE


Due to the frightening developments of the last few days Alex sounds his third Emergency Alert as the world marches dangerously close to the eruption of WWIII. From the elite scrambling away to armored redoubts, to the sabre rattling of Ergodan the unhinged Turkish P.M. we are hurtling towards the precipice of full scale war.


bosphorusTurkey has begun a defacto blockade of Russian naval vessels,  preventing transit through the Dardanelles and the Strait of Bosporus, between the Black Sea and Mediterranean.

According to the AIS tracking system for the movement of maritime vessels, only Turkish vessels are moving along the Bosphorus, and in the Dardanelles there is no movement of any shipping at all. MORE

Officials ID waitress who was killed over patron’s cigarette

qawsdfwqdf_31580Humans are becoming worse then animals.

BILOXI, Miss. (AP) — A Mississippi Waffle House waitress who was shot and killed after asking a customer not to smoke was a 52-year-old who spent some of her final moments asking patrons how they enjoyed their Thanksgiving, authorities and witnesses said.

 Julia Brightwell of Biloxi was killed with a bullet to the head, Harrison County Coroner Gary Hargrove said in an email Sunday. MORE


Environmental activists participate in a human chain to show solidarity for climate change after the cancellation of a planned climate march ahead of the World Climate Change Conference 2015 in ParisAlmost 150 heads of state, including David Cameron, Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, are heading to Paris for the start of the most important environmental meeting for decades.

Ahead of the summit, more than 175 countries have tabled pledges (known as intended nationally determined contributions, or INDCs) to cut their carbon emissions which, if enacted, would be enough to limit global warming to 2.7C. But the United Nations has pledged to limit climate change to 2C – and would much prefer it to be 1.5C. MORE

Troopers on Food Stamps, Taking Second Jobs

BREACHState troopers suing North Carolina for millions of dollars in back pay say the state’s broken promises have forced them into tough spots: working second jobs, moving in with parents, even going on food stamps.

About 800 troopers — equivalent to half the force — have joined a class-action lawsuit arguing that the state promised a schedule of regular pay increases when they were hired, but reneged because of budget problems. Many took pay cuts when they were recruited from other agencies, expecting to catch up quickly because of raises traditionally given about once a year. MORE

Is Portugal about to go down the same road as Greece?

PORTMorally they have all the ill’s we have. Did Our Lady of Fatima forget Portugal?

LISBON, Portugal (AP) — An anti-austerity alliance including radical leftist parties takes power. A shaky economy and huge debts menace the national economy. The rest of Europe watches with a wary eye.

Sound familiar? It’s not Greece, but another eurozone country: Portugal.

A nation that just months ago was hailed as an example of how to follow through with budget austerity measures has become a new source of concern in Europe. MORE


VIDEO: Mark shares more of the Extreme Team’s work at Mt. St. Michael

Mark Peterson continues his guided tour of all the work the Extreme Team has done in the last two days to refurbish the kitchen at Mt. St. Michael.

A blessing bestowed on a group of Roman Catholics who are dedicated to the traditional Catholic Faith, many individuals of whom I have known since the early seventies as Catholics were confused as their Churches were turned into Protestant halls of celebration or pagan hootenanny free-for-alls. Some, sacrificing all, found this refuge in the wilderness where the eagles could gather.

The Traditional Mass is Changing the Face of the French Clergy

Alte-Messe(Paris) The face of the French clergy is changing at a fast pace, and that in two respects. The number of priestly vocations is at the lowest level. Simultaneously, a change from the new to the old rite is taking place.

Decline in Diocesan Priestly Vocations by 84 Percent

In 1966, the year after the end of the Second Vatican Council, there were 4,536 diocesan seminarians in France.  Within ten years the number fell, under the influence of Pope Paul VI.and in the Post-Conciliar period to 1297 in 1975. A  decline of almost three-quarters could be described as a fast collapse.  Under Pope John Paul II,  the slump was halted 20 years later, in 1996, the number was still 1,103 seminarians at approximately the same level. MORE