Confirmations at O.L.H.C. was done by Bishop Tissier de Mallerals? France.

Right now, this is an independent Church and school being serviced by sspx priests. I got lucky during the potluck to talk to the Bishop as he was casually walking around. I sent him my materials years ago and introduce myself as the one who is preaching the Lord’s return. At his age, looks close to 90, was confused somewhat but after I gave him my “Great Apostasy & Christ’s Return” card, he smiled after looking at it. The Prior Father Burfitt is not in this picture as he was on his way over when I took the picture. Then after Father began having his picture taken by the individual family’s we meet as he was walking by and I greeted him by saying, good show Father as I extended my hand, he said, ” don’t know whether to shake your hand or curtsy and I said a shake is fine, laughing all the way.Another victory for St. Michael the Archangel I said to myself. In Christ, Joseph.

What’s Driving Record Levels of Migration to the U.S. Border

The New York Times Natalie Kitroeff and Julie Turkewitz  May 11-23

Dear Natalie and Julie:

One factor overlooked in the Migration Levels coming to our border is Pope Francis. There is a book put called, “All Roads Lead to Rome.” It explains the money laundering that goes on in Panama.

It’s a known fact that Pope Francis wants open borders everywhere and especially at our border. He and President Trump did not agree on this issue. It’s not surprising that when Pope Francis went to Panama for the world youth fair in 2019, he also conferred with the middle American Bishops and provide them with the necessary monies to pay for the migration to our borders. Most of these countries are poor countries so do the math. The money had to come from the Vatican. A source was overlooked in your article.

Not to mention, that 10 days before the Presidential election, Pope Francis stated to the news media that gay lifestyles are O. K. meaning its O.K. for Catholics to vote for St. Joseph Biden

Joseph Saraceno                                

My Sunday Offering



Month by month, week by week, and now almost day by day, the governmental Satanists/red coats (at all levels) move us closer and closer to the point of no return, until their evil reaches such levels as to extinguish life, itself.
No fake elections or political speeches will stop it! Protests are futile. FACT: Rightwing liars are no different from leftwing liars! Once the enemy has control over the means of production and distribution, the game is over–dictatorship!

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