Heaven’s Gates are finally opened on Ascension 

Heaven’s Gates are finally opened on Ascension Thursday

Heaven having been closed now for about 4000 years is once again opened on  Ascension 


 “He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. 

FROM THENCE He shall come to judge the living and the dead.”

The Limbo of the Fathers called Paradise, (also referred to as “Abraham’s bosom.)                          and The Opening of Heaven a place and state of rest wherein the souls of the just who died before CHRIST’S ASCENSION were detained until he opened HEAVEN to them.

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Why Pope Pius XII picked May 1 

Why Pope Pius XII picked May 1 for St. Joseph the workman.

What Catholics seem to forget is Italy became the biggest Communist country outside of the Iron curtain. Most of the labor unions where vastly becoming controlled by the communists. Since May 1st was the adopted celebrated day for the communists, Pope Pius XII turned to St. Joseph (The workman) to help stop the takeover of Italy by these communists. At the time these labor union thugs were shooting top executives in the knee who wouldn’t cooperate with their agenda.


St. Joseph the Workman

1. On May 1, 1955, Pope Pius XII delivered a significant address before an assembly of representatives of the Catholic Association of Italian Workers. Toward the end of his speech, the Holy Father said: “We are happy to announce to you Our determination to institute—as we do now in fact institute—the liturgical feast of St. Joseph the Workman, assigning to it precisely the first day of May.” He had previously stated: “The world of labor has claimed [May 1] for, itself as its own proper feastday.” Now, he is instituting this feast, not as “a stimulus for discord, hate and violence,” but, to be “a recurring invitation to modern society to accomplish that which is still lacking for social peace. A Christian feast, therefore; that is, a day of rejoicing for the concrete and progressive triumph of the Christian ideals of the great family of labor” (cf. The Catholic Mind for Sept., 1955).

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