The Peril of Christian Nationalism 

Of late many articles in the news media expressing this fear of a return of “Christian Nationalism.” It’s inconceivable how we have forgotten where our grass roots came from.

To begin with, it was our Christian forefathers who made this country GREAT, All of Our first thirteen colonies had clearly and unmistakably Christian fundamental laws in their colonial charters.

In thinking back in the 40’s most retail stores were closed on Sundays, with the exemption of Drug stores, restaurants and in bars you had to sit at a table.

I can understand World War II playing a role in our lifestyle because of the need of women workers in areas where only men were working before. Still, teachers in grammar school read chapters in the Old Testament before class, we saluted the flag, had Christmas plays and Easter vacation. 

Today, if anything, it’s the lack of God in our society which is destroying it. Right now, ALL of our mental institutions are filled up and others have no place to go but live on the streets or in jail, so, it’s now the general public who are adding to the problem because of our ignorant beliefs of the history of this nation. I pray we will return to our master, who gave us life in the first place.

Joseph B. Saraceno