FYI: The Church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic. The universality of the Church is made manifest in its unity. Not united, one is separated from the Universal Church. This can be by disunity or intentional disjunction. Christ, at the Last Supper prayed for unity: that they may be one, as we also are. (John 17:11) In an effort to bring unity among faithful Catholics upholding the Council of Trent and the Tridentine Mass, that is, the Catholic Faith rejected by Vatican II, I bring to your attention an appeal to plead with the clergy (traditional Roman Catholic bishops and priests) to meet together and resolve the disunity the members of the Church find in wanting to know they are members of the Roman Catholic Church and not members of a sect. Remember, the Church is not a cause, it is not an opinion, it is the means of salvation which each member must be assured they will obtain. The appeal, in various languages, may be found at this website:
Many have responded to this plea for unity and I am grateful. Please continue to pray it will be heeded by the clergy so that on Sunday the words, I believe in the Church that is one, holy, catholic and apostolic, is not just meaningless words said at Holy Mass (or Mass prayers) but rings true for each one of us Catholics.