Twenty-Two Mysteries of Faith given to Catholics from 1973 to 2021 Publicly. Are now Twenty-three


1. Christ will come back on SUNDAY (Middle East Time) Apoc.1:10 & Tradition

2. On that last Pentecost Sunday. Apoc. 14:14. & Tradition.

3. The General Judgment lasts a Week. Apoc. 17:11. (7 & 8 The symbol for Pentecost) Tradition. As did the week of the creation.

4 + 5. The Vatican II Council in the book of the Apocalypse: 9:1, 13:5, 16:13, 17:4-8, 18:4-5 & 2 Tim. 4:3. (pope John XXIII opens up the gates of Hell. Apoc. 9:1)6 + 7. Name the “Man of Sin,” as Paul VI. 2 Thess. 2, For her SINS have reached unto Heaven, (The Mass is Heaven on earth.) Apoc: 18:5. 

8-12 Name the “AntiChrist,” in Apoc. 13:14, John Paul II the Great, Apoc.13:11-14 (Has Two Horns like a lamb but speaks as a dragon.) Two names of prophets, John + Paul, see Luke. 1:69. Has a grievous wound and lives & is admired by the world, accepted by the Jews) (1st to ever enter a Synagogue publicly)13. Name the “False Prophet,” in Apoc.19:20 & 20:10. Billy Graham. (Or his successor) Apoc: 18:7.5″ sorrow I shall not see.” (The church of the resurrection = Protestants) See # 20.)

14. Describe the symbols of AntiChrists. The Jewish Ephod (Breast Plate), the Cross of the resurrection & the Broken Cross. Introduced by Paul VI. (6) is the symbol of the Hebrew faith, short of perfection or incomplete without Jesus Christ reflected as # 7.) Footnotes. Apoc.13:18.15. Give an approximate length of time of the “Great Apostasy.” of 

about 40 to 50 years. Apoc. 18:10-17. Matt. 24:34. A Generation, Rev. Dr. Huchede says 45 years,” History of AntiChrist.” (As of 2021 we are entering the 51ist year) Which un-officially started in1965 but OFFICIALLY started on Nov. 19, 1969, from the public rejection by Paul VI of the Cardinal “Ottaviani 

Intervention.” Who represented the Traditionalists.  As it stands right now the Lord has a 80% chance of returning next year. (2022) Depending on the right to assemble in Jerusalem, etc.16. One of the many AntiChrists will CLASH with the Jews as stated in my 1991 lecture. Apoc: 17:16. As Benedict XVI did (Feb. 08) with the Liturgy change (1962 Missal only) for Good Friday saying that the Jews needed to be saved, (This was done to please SSPX and excommunication lifted, Jews cause uproar.) Then came Bishop Williamson’s holocaust denial. More Jewish decent. Some of the Jews were misinformed of the New Missal changes.

17. The Church takes refuge in the United States after the V-2 Council. Apoc. 12:14. The Eagle here is the United States.

18: Palm Sunday is the 1st day of the creation with Adam being formed on Good Friday. Ex. 12 and Tradition. (Passover)

19: pope John XXIII is the Star that falls from Heaven and opens the gates of hell (The Vatican II Council) which leads to the 1st AntiChrist in Apoc.9.

Fr. E. S. Berry. “The Apocalypse of St. John” 1921.20:  President Trump did take Rev. Billy Graham’s place as the false prophet of the Bible although, is his case, was not aware of it just following the protestant’s belief that the Jews are still God’s people in faith and bloodline, but the problem was, he and the AntiChrist Francis did not get along, and that was and is a problem because the A/C & false prophet work together.21: With president Trump gone, I need a new False Prophet. So, 

In Comes Saint Joseph Biden. Biden is 100% behind the changes of the Vatican II Council and Rome’s Anti Christ’s agenda for the liberal, inter-faith, takeover of the world. 

22: A Bishop is the White Pebble (White Counter) who protects the church in the end times. Apocalypse 2:17 Could be Bishop Pivarunas of CMRI.

23: Dr: J. Vernon McGee Bible Radio Network. “The AntiChrist will do away with Capital Punishment.” John Paul II Stated, “It wasn’t needed any more except for Extreme cases,” later all together.

The Great Apostasy officially started on November 19, 1969, with the Ottaviani Intervention and other Traditional Catholic religious being rejected publicly by Paul VI. Under (Pope defends New Rites)

In Christ, Joseph B.D. Saraceno             2-5-21 St. Agatha VM A sister Sicilian