It hurts me to tell you the sad situation we find ourselves with the status of the church and society today. The Vatican II council compromised our Faith and has brought us into “The Great Apostasy,” (schism) Spoken of by St. Paul the Apostle and other Apostles. This new church teaches that one can be saved in Any Religion and that the Catholic Religion is not the only means of salvation. Other changes included the Bible, changed, Isaias 7:14, prophecy from a “VIRGIN shall conceive, to a young woman with child,” casting doubt not only on Our Lady’s Virginity but on the Divinity of Our Lord. Found in, The American, Ignatius & Oxford Bibles. The changed Mass. “Go out from Her my people, for Her Sins have reached even into Heaven.” Heaven on earth is the Mass and the Church. Apocalypse 18:4-5. Sources listed on my end times web site. These are just a few of the changes stemming from the council.
I hope you understand the seriousness of the situation. I’m not on facebook or the internet just to be sociable. You can tell by all of the confusion around the world, not to mention the WEATHER CONDITIONS, that we are in the END times.
These four things have to happen first before Christ can come back.
The date setting of Easter in April, this is partially complete. Some already have Jewish feast days on the N/O Calendar and the Luther Calendar has Pope John XXIII on their Calendar like a Saint. The Russian Orthodox is a hold out right now. Thank God.
The establishment of a papal presence in Jerusalem or the gathering of the world religion leaders there.
The Great Biblical Chastisement, the fire from Heaven will seem to come from the sun but the Angels will microwave the necessary people. (The faithful will be protected)
The killing & the resurrection of the two witnesses, then the Lords return on the following Pentecost Sunday.If you agree with my conclusions, then help me spread the “Good News.” If not, you are in my prayers and I look forward to seeing you on testimonial, judgment day, week. Which again takes place from Pentecost Sunday to the eve of Trinity Sunday. Middle East Time.
God bless, in Christ, Joseph. then go to the Books & categories.
P.S. The American Bible corrected itself a few years latter but still left out the word conceived. But other Bibles were not corrected. The point is that the council teaches that all the religions are equal
” Note current events on my web site do not necessarily reflect Church teaching.” Today’s news etc.”Day of the Lord and the Signs of His Coming” 16-page booklet and my “The Great Apostasy” booklet with papers and documents are $20.00 post paid.
O/S, add $5.00.
send to.
Joseph B. Saraceno
17024 S Western Ave # 8
Gardena, CA. 90247-5215