Reply to Traditio on… The Smoke of Satan entered the Church

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THE TRADITIO FATHERS REPLY>>> No, the statement was not made against traditionalists, but against the Novus Ordinarians.  We know this from Paul VI-Montini’s own Papal Mater of Ceremonies, Newcardinal Vergilio Noe, who stated in a May 16, 2008, interview Montini was specifically referring to the Novus Ordo service with this statement.

Not true. I looked it up and this is what Paul VI said to the Novus Ordinarians. “We looked forward to a flowering, a serene expansion of conceptions which matured in the great sessions of the Council. But one must notice above all the sorrowful aspect. It is as if the Church were destroying herself.” (Address to the Lombard Seminary at Rome, December 1968)  No comparison to 1972.

The Ottaviani Intervention was submitted to Paul VI on about September 25 1969. Paul VI publicly replied on November 19. 1969. A.P. Press.  Pope defends new Rites. Vatican City.  Pope Paul VI defended controversial new rites for the Roman Catholic Mass today and said all Catholics, “:must promptly adhere” to them!!! Recalling that the second Vatican Ecumenical Council; had  asked for the changes in the Mass.

Pope Paul said that using the new rites was “an act of obedience, a fact of coherence with the church itself, a step forward in it’s authentic tradition, a demonstration of fidelity and vitality to which all must promptly adhere.”

Cracks by which the Smoke of Satan entered the Church  Paul VI 1972

By 1968 the Traditional revolt was in full swing climaxed by the “Ottaviani Intervention” in 1969.

Let’s look at Paul VI’s history and dates..
In his encyclical, Ecclesiam Suam, Paul VI said, “There is no question now of extirpating such-and-such a definite heresy or certain generalized disorders from the Church… Thanks be to God, none are reigning in the Church’s midst. Aug.6, 1964.

Commentary: Alberto Cavalleri, 1965
Paul VI, “here we are in mid-dream, and it is so very soothing! After all, the council proved precisely that along side the world crisis of faith, there is fortunately no crisis in the Church. II Vaticano Cambia 1965, Quoted by Courrier de Rome, Feb. 10 1972, No 93, p. 10

In July, 1969, Paul VI announced:“We are going to have a period of greater freedom in the life of the Church, and consequently for each one of her sons. This freedom means fewer legal obligations and interior inhibitions. formal discipline will be reduced and all arbitrariness abolished…All intolerance and absolutism will also be abolished…(General Audience . Info, Catholiques Internationales, Aug. 1969, p. 9.

This Traditional Catholic March on Rome on May 31, 1971 with about 5000 Catholics, Paul VI refused an Audience.This proves that Paul VI didn’t care about the Traditionalist and considered them a threat to his agenda.

Catholic Traditionalists March Across Rome – The New York Times 1971…/catholic-traditionalists-march-across-rome.htmlMay 31, 1971 – A version of this archives appears in print on May 31, 1971, on Page 34 of the New York edition with the headline: CatholicTraditionalists …
Another March on Rome by Father Abbe de Nantes in 1973. Entry to the Vatican was categorically refused him.
La Verite Catholique  December 1973

Paul VI during the famous speech of Aug. 1976, He lambasted Msgr. Lefebvre, who was, “Tearing the Unity of the Church.” Western Catholic Reporter October 4, 1976.

Please tell me now he wasn’t addressing the Traditionalists. If he wasn’t, then he was condemning HIMSELF. But, Satan does not cast out SATAN.
Grace be with you, in Christ, Joseph