The Three Fatima conferences before the end of the year.

Once again, In adhering to our Lady’s request of prayer and penance,  the current trend that unless “all of Our Lady’s requests are implemented,” all is in vain in obtaining restoration in the Church and in the world. But that’s the problem. It has been in vain because Our Lady’s requests have been rejected by the Church and the world in general. Adding to the confusion was Pope John XXIII refusal to disclose the Fatima secret in 1960, then two years later we had the opening of the (gates of Hell) Vatican II Council,
in Apocalypse 9.
Now that Father Gruner and John Vennari is gone the Fatima Crusaders have a shift in leadership. Christopher Ferrara opted to join up with the SSPX Conference for Catholic Tradition!  Where he will debate Kevin Symonds on, ” Is the Third Secret Entirely Revealed?

Join us for our 8th annual Conference for Catholic Tradition!   FSSPX
This fall Angelus Press once again brings together some of the best Catholic thinkers, speakers, and writers to consider this year’s topic:
Our Lady’s Answer to Three Revolutions & Anniversaries of 1517: Protestantism, 1717: Freemasonry, 1917 Communism.
(Why isn’t the Vatican II gates of hell, council listed?)
 Come learn more about how The SSPX is working to spread the faith far and wide, while at the same time enjoying the company of other like-minded traditional Catholics. This conference is relevant for all Catholics, young and seasoned alike.
Join us for our 8th annual Conference for Catholic Tradition – a profoundly enjoyable Catholic weekend on October 13 – 15, 2017 at the Kansas City Airport Hilton in Kansas City, Missouri.
For More information: 800-966-7337
Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen

Join us for the
2017 National Fatima Conference
Mount St. Michael in Spokane, WA
October 11 – 15, 2017
for the
100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima


A gathering of Traditional Catholics from around the country for
five days of Latin Masses, spiritual exercises, inspiring lectures and sermons,
in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

Sponsored by the Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen

Registration is required by October 1, 2017!

Go to web site for all the speakers.

Basic Schedule

Wednesday, October 11
2:00-4:30 pm – Check-in (Registration)
4:30 pm – Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary; confessions available 
5:00 pm – Holy Mass and Introductory remarks with overview of the Fatima Conference 
6:00 pm – Dinner with the Priests and Religious with celebration of Sr. Mary Bernadette’s 50th Anniversary of Vows
Thursday, October 12
Low Mass
Five lectures throughout the day
Banquet & Keynote Address by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI: Fatima and Perseverance in the Faith
Friday, October 13
Pontifical High Mass
Lecture by Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI
Two afternoon lectures
Candlelight procession with Rosary
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and All-Night Adoration
Saturday, October 14
Day of Recollection after Holy Mass and breakfast
4 Conferences on the Spiritual Life
Renewal of the Act of Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary 
Dinner and Lecture
Sunday, October 15
High Mass sung by Conference guests and Parish Choir 
Open House at Mary Immaculate Queen Church at City of Mary 
Chanted Vespers 

Closing ceremonies: Rosary, Devotions in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; closing remarks; farewell to Our Lady of Fatima
Dear friends of the faith:
One has to understand that Catholics are only obligated to accept the deposit of faith. That is The Pope &
Hierarchy, Tradition and the Bible. Private revelations have NO jurisdiction on the faithful, even those that are Church
approved.  Also there is no such thing as new Divine Revelation. The Bible has everything we need to know from
the beginning to the end of the world.
However, Popes have to be Infallible,  Paul VI broke infallibility when he approved the Heretical degrees of the
Vatican II Council, (one can be saved in any religion, the Catholic Church is not the only means of salvation # 9) add
new mass and Bibles, and so on. When he was confronted by the Ottaviani Intervention he publicly
refuted it with all the Traditional Catholics who complained.
This took place on Nov.19, 1969. As a result Paul VI was Officially automatically excommunicated
and the Papal line became broken. Once the line is broken it can never be repaired. Paul VI  now identifies with the
“Man of Sin.” in the scriptures and started the Great Apostasy (schism) predicted by St. Paul.  The Great
Apostasy lasts about 40 to 50 years. We are going into the 47th year this year. I have all the proof on my web site and it’s
the facts that matter, not opinions. Just go to my web site, then to the the categories and see for yourself.
In Christ, Joseph     5-17-15