Full Moon for Adam & Full Moon for Worlds End

34x347Gospels commentary for Trinity Sunday

Having the fullness of divine power and authority, Jesus solemnly commissioned the hierarchy of His new Church to convert and baptize men of every nation. Mission work will continue until the end of the world.

Gospel Matt. 28:18-20

AT THAT TIME, Jesus said to His disciples: “All power in heaven and on earth has given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all days, even unto the CONSUMMATION of the WORLD.”

As you all know, Easter Sunday comes about by the Spring Full Moon. In my, “Week of the Creation, Happy Birthday World, Adam and Good Friday.” I show the relationship the Church has with the Full Moon calendar. And in my Parousia booklet of, ” The Day of the Lord and the Signs of His Coming.” I point out why the General Testimonial Judgement starts on Pentecost Sunday and ends on the Eve of Trinity Sunday. This has both Tradition, the world was created in a week and it takes a week to end the judgement process, and Scriptural, Apocalypse 17:11..The Beast is destroyed here and theses symbols are the symbols of the 50 days of the Pasch. (Pentecost), (49 + 1) as I explain in my booklet.
“Like the Moon, which remains forever a faithful witness in the sky.” Psalms 88:38

One has to remember that Rome is planning to date set Easter in April. Why they haven’t yet is a mystery to me? But if and when they do, this will add to the confusion brought about by the Vatican II Council.
Just remember those Four things that have to happen before Christ comes back.
The date setting of Easter in April,
The establishment of a papal presence in Jerusalem WITH the gathering of the world religions,
The Great Biblical Chastisement, (The faithful will be protected from the fire)
The killing & the resurrection of the two witness,  then His return on Pentecost Sunday.

As Our Lord said in St.John 16:12, ” Many things yet I have to say to you, but you cannot bear them NOW. But when he, the Spirit of truth has come, He will teach you ALL THE TRUTH.”

Grace be with you, in Christ, Joseph