Abortions Outnumber Live Births for Blacks in NYC

Black babiesNew York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene released a report showing that, among blacks, abortions are outnumbering live births. The report labels abortions as “Induced Terminations” and shows that in 2012 there were 31,328 abortions among the “non-Hispanic black” ethnicity group. For that same group, live births totaled 24,758. LINK

Fewer people believe in a supernatural God.

little gNEW YORK (RNS) “Do you believe in God?” This was the initial question asked by a team of British researchers in the late 1960s. “Yes,” one woman replied. Then to clarify what that meant, the researchers, according to the sociologist Grace Davie, asked a follow-up question: “Do you believe in a god who can change the course of events on earth?”

“No,” the woman answered, “just the ordinary one.”This response, more than any pronouncement by “New Atheists” like Richard Dawkins, indicates why religion was in trouble then and is in even more trouble today. LINK

The Demise of the Apostles’ Creed

apostles creedJust about the only time the Apostle’s Creed is said today is when and if one recites the Rosary or at a Baptism and possibly at ordination. However since the ordination rite has been changed, I wonder if it’s being said at the ordinations anymore? At the Baptismal ceremony only parts of the creed  is recited by the God parents during the renewal of Baptismal Promises.  Continue reading

Modernists do not care about Divine Truth Rev. J. Vida Elmer 5-15-83

Rev. J. Vida ElmerRev. J. Vida Elmer

My booklet, “The Smoke of the AntiChrist”, has met enthusiastic approval by traditionalist Catholics in the United States and in Europe (A zealous Catholic soul is working on the German and French editions). Some of the readers, in their zeal for the REMNANT CHURCH, intend to send the above booklet to the Novus Ordo priests, nuns and bishops, hoping that reading this booklet will open their eyes, and will be instrumental in their conversion to the traditional Catholic Faith. Continue reading

To my friends who feel Pope John XXIII was not a Pope because of a Free Masonic accusation.

john XIIIHi, I agree, but, again canon law which, comes from those decrees, states, 2335,……which plot against the church or legitimate civil powers, incur….excommunications.
Another problem was that the Bishops did not enforce the law, that’s why there were so many bulls issued on it. Also there were no Free Masons during St. Thomas’s life time, though he may have written about other secret society’s? Pope Pius IX was considered a liberal and help spread democracy in the papal states. He changed his opinion after anarchy and rioting broke out.
With Pope John 23, I can not find any evidence that he was ever a Mason. If he did, it would have been after he became an Archbishop. Then we would have to investigate the lodge he belonged to and find out if it falls under the excommunication law. One thing I found was that he was assigned by Pope Pius XII as an observer at the United Nations in 1951, Educational, Scientific, and Cultural organizations. I do not have any conclusive evidence that Pope John 23 was never a Pope.

In Christ, Joseph

See Apostasy & the Beast

VIDEO: My $295 Skype Exorcism

skype exorcismBob Larson has performed more than 20,000 exorcisms over the past 30 years. Now, he’s using Skype to target Satan—and easy marks for his buck-raking ministry. Bob Larson furrowed his brows at the screen. He’d been commanding my demon to tell him its name for about five minutes, and it hadn’t made a peep. LINK


Late last week, in a move indicating an approaching crackdown on abortionists across the state, the Texas Medical Board suspended the medical license of Dr. Theodore Herring after discovering he had continued performing illegal abortions under new law.  Texas’ new abortion safety law – aimed at improving women’s healthcare – requires that doctors have hospital admitting privileges within thirty miles in the case of procedural complications. LINK

Bizarre Tsunami Ghost Stories Haunt Japan

ghost alien angel japan tsunamiAn unusual outbreak has struck Japan in the wake of the 2011 tsunami that killed nearly 20,000 people—of ghosts, possessions, and exorcisms. Reverend Kaneda, the top priest at a Zen temple, says he personally exorcised several people who had been invaded by the spirits of tsunami victims, writes Richard Lloyd Parry in theLondon Review of Books. Believe the stories or don’t, they can be moving and scary: LINK

Main Stream Media And Their Paid Liar “Scientists” Are Desperately Trying To Hide The Truth About Climate Engineering

engineered-snow-storms-300x300The artificially nucleated snow storms have finally raised the attention of the public. As we expected, main stream media has responded to the explosion of public awakening with a steady stream of disinformation. They attempt to back up the disinformation with “scientists” who are all too willing to lie for the empire. None of the mainstream media stories bother to mention any credible science terms in their “stories”.  LINK