Misleading teachings taught by many of the Fathers & Doctors

fathersMany of the Fathers and Doctors thought we would always have a pope in the world forever until Christ comes back.

Today’s Sede Vacantists prove we have been without a pope at least since Paul VI. This has lasted for over 44 years, the longest period in the history of the Church.
No one knows when the end will come.
 No one knows when the end of the world will come has become an accepted dictum. This is not what the 5th Lateran Council teaches. The council forbade setting an exact date without permission from lawful authority. I have proven by Church teaching, the scriptures and tradition that Christ will come back on Pentecost Sunday and this has been approved by may of the Traditional Bishops.
That there can only be one AntiChrist.
This comes from the fact that their can only be one leader, ruler or high priest at a time and because of this the Apostles kept referring to him as a single individual. I have proven that there would be many AntiChrists during the Great Apostasy and end times. Up to the present time we have had five. Funny we have two in the world right now but only one is the leader. (Benedict and Francis)
Elias and Henoch will come back and preach for three years before Christ comes back.
This comes from the Hebrew faith who were lead to believe that Elias would someday return and that after the passover meal one would go to the door and open it to see if Elias had returned. When asked by the Apostles when Elias was coming back, Jesus explain he had already came back in the spirit of John the Baptist whom they killed.
No one can come back from the other world accept for the general judgment.

St. Jerome put this theory of Elias and Henoch coming back in the Breviary and everyone just went along with it, like everything else us  humans have a tendency to do.

Let me repeat and old saying which Applies eternally, which says, “let in wisdom before you let it out.”

In Christ, Joseph