The Wander news complimented me as well. The Month of St. Joseph is starting off big time for me, yea.In Christ, Joseph
Category Archives: Morality
Rittenhouse: ‘Cowardly’ Biden Must Apologize for ..
Kyle Rittenhouse says he wants an apology from “cowardly” President Joe Biden. “Biden called me a white supremacist,” Rittenhouse told Newsmax‘s “Eric Bolling: The Balance.” VIDEO
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed a bill Thursday that bans transgender
Benedict Faulted for Handling of Abuse Cases When He Was an Archbishop
ROME — A report released on Thursday accused Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI of mishandling at least four cases of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests when he was the archbishop of Munich, according to the law firm that conducted an investigation. MORE
Ireland to follow France in offering free contraception to women under 25
Contraception was legalized in the country in 1967, followed by abortion in 1975. There are around 200,000 abortions a year. MORE
‘Masks everywhere. Vacation cancelled.’ But not for Eric Swalwell or AOC. Such Duplicity
Democratic congressman follows in AOC’s footsteps and goes maskless at posh Miami hotel in mandate-free Florida, days after blaming GOP for ‘prolonging’ the pandemic MORE
Colorado governor weds longtime partner in first same-sex marriage
Does this make sense. Now tell me this is not GOD’S wrath. Latest Colorado Fires
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and his partner of 18 years, Marlon Reis, were married on Wednesday, according to a statement from the governor’s office. MORE
Complicit Clergy and President Biden: 10-31-21
First of all, abortion is legal in this country. The president has to support pro choice because that’s the law but that doesn’t imply that he approves of abortion, so in this sense, he is being slandered. It was Pope John XXIII that opened up the birth control commission at the Vatican II Council so then we can blame him for the legalization of abortion. Paul VI didn’t oppose it until six years later, by that time Catholic’s were using artificial birth control methods including the pill.
Continue readingThe Illusioin of Knowledge – The Alchemy of Evil
Happy Columbus Day! Saint Christopher Columbus?
Even most Catholics today do not realize that a number of Fathers of the First Vatican Council actually submitted a papal petition for Columbus’ canonization.
Another Columbus Day has passed. The usual suspects in the secular, and now sadly even “Catholic” media have trotted out their yearly calumnies of the man whom America still, to her credit, honors with a National Holiday. MORE
Judge questions whether Jan. 6 rioters are treated unfairly
Rejecting the recommendation of prosecutors, a federal judge sentenced a Jan. 6 rioter to probation on Friday and suggested that the Justice Department was being too hard on those who broke into the Capitol compared to the people arrested during anti-racism protests following George Floyd’s murder. MORE
Liz Cheney says ‘I was wrong’ + Switzerland agreed to legalize civil marriage
God’s wrath must continue for our protection.
Rep. Liz Cheney told CBS’ 60 Minutes she was “wrong” to oppose same-sex marriage when her objection to it caused a public split with her family, including her sister, Mary, and her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney. MORE
(Oh ‘Boo hoo’, her family split with her [doubt it]. Ask us Traditionalists who left family for God and His True Church. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We stand by Him forever more).
Switzerland votes to make same-sex marriage legal by near two-thirds majority MORE
San Marino women’s rights groups hail abortion vote
Pope Francis repeated Monday that abortion is “murder,” a day after the tiny republic of San Marino became the latest Catholic state to legalize the procedure, much to the cheers of women’s rights groups. An overwhelming majority — 77% of the 14,384 votes cast Sunday in the microstate surrounded by Italy […] MORE
Women Should Register for the Draft
Randy: I read your article in Father Krier’s newsletter. There was a ruling on this some time ago but the legislators wouldn’t put it into law. So that’s why the Bill was written. Now, the point is since woman are in favor of equal rights then we need to get them to sign up for the draft. This way, maybe they’ll grow up and see the light. Also we have a voluntary military forces now so there is no need for a draft anyway.
Should Women have to register for the Draft Sun, Feb 14, 2016
Gender Ideology Run Amok
In 2007, America had one pediatric gender clinic; today there are hundreds. Testosterone is readily available to adolescents from places like Planned Parenthood and Kaiser, often on a first visit—without even a therapist’s note. MORE