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Category Archives: Masonic Issues
Vatican Bishop confesses: “Senior Catholic officials are being paid off by George Soros to promote mass Muslim migration into Europe”
Soros does not realize that most of Europe’s Catholics have left the faith but he is threatening the sovereign Nationalities of these countries.
YourNewsWire (h/t Thereza B) Bishop Schneider, a resident of the Vatican, made the bombshell revelation during an interview with Italian daily Il Giornale. According to Schneider, the Vatican has been infiltrated by globalist operatives and an organized campaign is being rolled out to radically alter European culture. MORE
Free Masons church law and Pope John 23 + Pius IX
To my friends who feel Pope John XXIII was not a Pope because of a Free Masonic accusation.
In Christ, Joseph
Are We Free to Discuss America’s Real Problems?
Too few Americans are qualified for the jobs available. Male working-age labor-force participation is at Depression-era lows. Opioid abuse is widespread. Homicidal violence plagues inner cities. Almost half of all children are born out of wedlock, and even more are raised by single mothers. Many college students lack basic skills, and high school students rank below those from two dozen other countries. MORE
“All the Men Behind the Opus Dei Curtain”
The truth is that every one of the main characters in Jones’ book – Voris, Father Paul Nicholson, Marc Brammer, and the author himself – is tied to Opus Dei in a concrete way and that the Jones’ tale is really a story of an Opus Dei media venture gone wrong…
Two of the questions which have been repeatedly asked by readers of The Man Behind the Curtain are, first, why did Jones write his book on Voris and secondly, what was the exact nature of Jones’ relationship with the key players in the affair, specifically with Marc Brammer and Father Paul Nicholson, Voris’ “tell-all” spiritual director…
There are still many other unanswered questions about the men behind the Opus Dei curtain including a very basic question – Did E. Michael Jones really write The Man Behind the Curtain? I think the question list is endless…MORE
This is what cultism does to Catholics and it’s the Fathers who are to blame
Subject: A Responds to my email on: “Francis meets with SSPX”
One good thing about this Joseph is that it will prove once and for all that the Society of St. Pius X, and Rome were all along
in league with one another. This could possibly have a good out come for the undecided of the Society and the Novus Ordo who might have problems with some of the new radical view points of Rome causing them to seek more conservative places of worship for both parties concerned. I do agree with the time factor being very short. Continue reading
United States Constitution
There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that requires us to support non-citizens in our country. If the laws are such that a requirement to support non-citizens with welfare, medical care, education and legal representation at taxpayer expense, then those laws can be amended or repealed– if we collectively, have the will to elect politicians who worship at the altar of common sense. In my humble opinion, it is time to re-establish US Sovereignty over our borders, and amend our procedures, policies and regulations to facilitate the swift, and inexpensive deportation of those non-citizens who have violated our laws, and overstayed their visas or entered our country without proper authorization.
From a friend.
Free Masons church law and Pope John 23 + Pius IX
To my friends who feel Pope John XXIII was not a Pope because of a Free Masonic accusation.
Communist & Masonic infiltration into the Roman Catholic Church
L.A.X. Shooter was a New World order Conspiracy Nut
How sad and unfortunate that we had another tragic event evolving the killing of innocent T. S. A. workers who were just doing their job. The killer appears to be a Catholic but Catholics are supposed to be able to distinguish between good & evil, right and wrong. This lady friend asked me, “whats wrong?” I explained, the soul is like a car battery Continue reading
KNIGHT: Living in the devil of a time A progress report from the CEO of sin and evil
Joining Masonic sects–Canon law
Persons joining associations of the Masonic sect or any others of the same kind (which plot against the Church) and legitimate authorities contract ipso facto excommunication simply reserved to the Apostolic See.
The point here is taken that we have had many prelates who were Masons for the sole purpose of maintaning some civic goal which would benefit the community.
Masonic Bishops & Holy Orders
Cardinal Achille Lienart
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 10:56 PM
Was Abp. Lefebvre invalidly ordained by a Mason?
Some months ago I read an article in a mimeographed publication which “proved” that Archbishop Lefebvre was — of all things — an Arian. Continue reading
Conspiracy Theories Behind the Great Seal of the United States Debunked
The Great Seal of the United States is secured in a box at the U.S. State Department in Washington. The seal, the familiar emblem on the back of the $1 bill, is the nation’s stamp of authority, sovereignty and power. (Manuel Balce Ceneta/The Associated Press) Continue reading
What’s the Real 9-11 Conspiracy?
Daily Breeze Wed. July 19, 2006
By Paul C. Campos
Recently I wrote a column that included an offhand comment about how I was pretty sure people who believed the u.s. government was behind the 9-11 terror attacks were pathetic lunatics living in basements whose Web sites got 10 hits per day. I’ve since heard from many such people, assuring me that they don’t live in basements, that they aren’t crazy and that their Web sites are very popular. Continue reading