Catholic Tradition News: Holy Eucharist, Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Saint Nabor and Celsus

Vol 12 Issue 30 ~ Editor: Rev. Fr. Courtney Edward Krier
July 27, 2019 ~ Saint Pantaleon, opn!

1.      What is the Holy Eucharist
2.      Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
3.      Saint Nazarius and Celsus
4.      Family and Marriage
5.      Articles and notices

Dear Reader: As always, enjoy the readings and commentaries provided for your benefit.—The Editor

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Pope Leo XIII “Unity of the Church”

Image result for pope leo xiii

“It is as wrong to divide the Church as to fall into heresy.” Dear friends of the faith:In as much as there are different opinions among traditionalists on the status of the church today. It is safe to say that after 45 years no agreements are going to be reached among the Fathers before the coming of of the Lord. We must and should understand that. “…it is as wrong to divide the Church as to fall into heresy”

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