Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

2GAYS“We don’t have childhoods,” said Dawn Stefanowicz, who grew up with two brothers in a chaotic world dominated by their sex-obsessed gay father and his countless lovers.

“There were no safe boundaries in my home,” said Denise Shick, who explained in a brief how her transgender father spied on her, fondled her body, stole her clothes and tried to step into her shoes because, as a girl blossoming into womanhood, she was the very thing he wanted to be. MORE

It’s Hard To Be a ‘Christian Arab’ in Israel, But Not Why You’d Think

ISRAEL-PALESTINIAN-EGYPT-UNREST-RELIGION-COPTICThey should keep on integrating, because in time the Jews will be eliminated just like us white folks here in the United States. Ha.
My people have mistakenly been called “Christian Arabs,” but the reality is that we are Arameans, descendents of people who lived here in Israel since the time of the Bible. Following a lengthy public campaign, Israel’s Interior Ministry has recently recognized us as the “Aramean nation.” Partners…MORE

The Pope’s Office cannot be Divided

Dear follow Catholics:
This is the teachings of the First Vatican Council and Pope PIus IX 1869-1870
Here is what it says, “1831 [Canon]. If anyone thus speaks, that the Roman Pontiff has only the office of inspection or direction, but not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the universal Church, not only in things which pertain to faith and morals, but also in those which pertain to the discipline and government of the Church spread over the whole world; let him be anathema. This is repeated in canon 1827 below. “let him be anathema.” Continue reading

Water shortages for Arizona, Nevada and California to begin in 2016 as Lake Mead reservoir plummets

meadIf warning after warning is issued but no one listens, does that make it any less dire? That’s a great question and one the nation will soon discover the answer to, if the drought situation in the West continues to worsen.

For more than a year NaturalNews and other outlets have been warning of the dire consequences that could befall civil society if drought-related water shortages continue or worsen. We’ve already reported, for instance, that increasingly desperate Californians have been stealing water already, both from city hydrants and from rural farms. MORE

VIDEO: One dead after scattered tornadoes sweep through Oklahoma decimating a mobile home park and leaving several others injured

TORNAThe slow start to the nation’s tornado season came to a blustery end Wednesday when tornadoes hit Arkansas and Oklahoma and left one person dead and several others injured.    

Tulsa County Sheriff’s Capt. Billy McKelvey says a mobile home park near Sand Springs in the Tulsa area was nearly destroyed Wednesday. It’s not clear yet whether it was a tornado or straight-line winds that hit the mobile home park. MORE

Has the sun set on Sunday school?

-sundayNo more teacher, no more books, how about less children as well.

Many a prayer has been said over the fate of the vaunted American institution, whose struggles cut across denominational lines. Between 1997 and 2004, churches lost tens of thousands of Sunday school programs, according to data from the Barna Group, and more recent studies show that enrollment has fallen across denominations. MORE

Indiana House passes controversial ‘religious freedom’ bill

HOOProtecting freedom or discrimination?

Supporters of the law say it will keep government entities from forcing business owners — such as bakeries and florists who don’t want to provide services to gay couples — from acting in ways contrary to strongly held religious beliefs. Gay marriage became legal in Indiana last year following an appellate court ruling. MORE

The Traditional Case for Capital Punishment

timothy-mcveigh7Let’s hear what St. Augustine had to say on this topic: ” . . . there are some exceptions made by the divine authority to its own law, that men may not be put to death. These exceptions are of two kinds, being justified either by a general law, or by a special commission granted for a time to some individual. And in this latter case, he to whom authority is delegated, and who is but the sword in the hand of him who uses it, is not himself responsible for the death he deals. MORE