Francis & Rio de Janerio World Youth Day

Rio de Janeiro hosted the World Youth Day with the presence of Francis, the false pope (A/C).. The spirit that dominated the atmosphere of . This is evidenced by the music, the dance of the bishops, gestures and speeches. For his bad example and words, the apostate Francisco practically gave his blessing to all the destructive influences of today, i.e. homosexuality, occultism and impurity. This is a visible sign of the spirit of Antichrist. He said nothing to warn young people about the dangers of self-genocide, as a result of homosexuality, juvenile justice, drugs, decadent music, chip implantation or euthanasia. Bergoglio-Francisco abused ecclesial position to violate the law of God. It promotes homosexuality, which is contrary to the essence of the gospel and destroys all moral values​​.
Taken from  Católicos Alerta

Pope says reforms of the Second Vatican Council are “absolutely irreversible.”

Francis doesn’t realize it but his prediction on the Vatican II Council carries Infallibility, because he’s quoting Divine Revelation. St.Paul and the Apostles makes it very clear that once the Great Apostasy takes place it’s demise comes about by Christs return. Paul VI was the “Man of Sin” who approved the heretical council. However, at the time we did not understand that the “Great Apostasy,” was going to run 40 to 50 years and that there was more than one AntiChrist. Even Bishop Vezelis (RIP) acknowledge that it was irreversible. Continue reading

New $100 Bills Worth up to $15,000

The Globe explains that collectors view certain 8-digit serial numbers as “fancier” (meaning more rare, and thus more collectible) than others. The fanciest numbers, according to collectors, include ones exceptionally low: A new $100 bill with the serial number 00000001, for example, might fetch up to $15,000. LINK

No communion for Nancy Pelosi: Vatican court head

That’s canon law, not opinion, he said. Canon 915 states that Catholics who are stubbornly contrary “in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” “This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin — cooperating with the crime of procured abortion — and still professes to be a devout Catholic.” LINK