Hooray : Let us all buy Barilla products and show our support.
On Wednesday, the pasta company’s chairman, Guido Barilla, said it was never going to happen and that if gay people don’t like it they “can always go eat someone else’s pasta.”LINK
Hooray : Let us all buy Barilla products and show our support.
On Wednesday, the pasta company’s chairman, Guido Barilla, said it was never going to happen and that if gay people don’t like it they “can always go eat someone else’s pasta.”LINK
This is one of the main problems with some Traditional Catholics. I found this statement by Pope Urban VIII on a Traditional web site and there is no proof of this statement below by this Pope. And even he he did say it, it’s just a private opinion. Has no doctrinal authority whatsoever. Joseph Continue reading
AUSTIN, Texas (RNS) The Christian mission field is a “magnet” for sexual abusers, Boz Tchividjian, a Liberty University law professor who investigates abuse said Thursday (Sept. 26) to a room of journalists. LINK
History will be made in the Catholic Church on Thursday 10 October when a new text for the Mass which includes traditional Anglican words is officially introduced in London. Benedict XVI described these as “precious gifts” and “treasures to be shared”. LINK
In Pakistan, a suicide bomber kills 75 people at a Christian church. In Kenya, terrorists chase Muslims out of a shopping mall, then start killing Christians, especially those who could not give them the name of Muhammad’s mother. LINK
“According to the report on the study by the Forensic Center… in the books there are statements containing a positive assessment of hostilities of a group relative to another group of persons united, on the grounds of their attitude to religion, in particular, Muslims against non-Muslims; as well as the statements of encouragement, LINK
“We cannot violate our vows by participating in the government’s program to provide access to abortion-inducing drugs,” Sister Loraine Marie said of a class-action lawsuit filed against the mandate on behalf of multiple religious organizations that provide health benefits. LINK
The Globe explains that collectors view certain 8-digit serial numbers as “fancier” (meaning more rare, and thus more collectible) than others. The fanciest numbers, according to collectors, include ones exceptionally low: A new $100 bill with the serial number 00000001, for example, might fetch up to $15,000. LINK
The last month and a half has seen perhaps the worst anti-Christian violence in Egypt in seven centuries, with dozens of churches torched. Yet the western media has mainly focussed on army assaults on the Muslim Brotherhood, and no major political figure has said anything about the sectarian attacks. LINK
That’s canon law, not opinion, he said. Canon 915 states that Catholics who are stubbornly contrary “in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” “This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin — cooperating with the crime of procured abortion — and still professes to be a devout Catholic.” LINK