U.S. obesity epidemic 

Lily HermanA morning digest from Yahoo News
by Jessica Roy with Anthony RivasGood morning, all. It’s Friday, Nov. 15, and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is back at the top of the charts. Now, on to the news.
Note, I pointed out that the Catholic Church helped this obesity when it did away with the traditional Fish on Fridays.
Need to knownew study that looked into the U.S. obesity epidemic predicted that 260 million Americans could be obese or overweight by 2050.  The study: It noted that obesity among U.S. adults and older teens has doubled in the last three decades. Being overweight and obese are among the fastest-growing risk factors for early death. Study co-author Dr. Marie Ng said the U.S. is at a “crisis point.”Potential solutions: Ng said that while demand for weight loss drugs may increase, they’re “not a silver bullet,” and called for more focus on prevention, starting with pregnancy and infant feeding practices, healthier school meals and nutrition regulations. [CNN]